Show THREE HUNDRED AEN MEN AND TEAMS WORKING W matt Warner was up sunday from froin aileon luver cleaning clo aning 7 up a few un tin matte Here cantly bough out taut the saloon stock of nells olson thoro and ha hax up ill a now in tho bliok building I 1 which he ile has dedicated d the sheep ranch he says business is good III that section quite a number of sheep mon being la III there this winter with their flocks while many newcomers are arriving to ninko make their home homes up and down tho the riter 1 the tho duchesne rall railway way which Is I 1 building out towards vernal from crevasse CreTi use has three hundred men me a and foams working on the summit mot most of tho tile idle men and teams at oien elver riter aro are being engaged for grading work at geed prices and will put in tho the tim time in this manner until next sp ing I 1 fie impression prevails that the Du duchesse Duche chesno sae road la Is being built to head off tae cie moffat hue for borho ho vernal ii at trado trade mr warner says train after train load aa of or coal that waa visa stored at breau alho during the summer months Is boing baing hipped east enat presumably r for denver consumption there Is I 1 still n mountain of it piled plied up at tit breon il Ill livar vor how however car |