Show aie at ty SUMMONED TO washington WASHING TOm eastern utah uth people with other others subpoenaed in uintah lease matter at the meeting of the senate commit tee ou indian affairs at washington lat lost thursday the bill of senator cearna v e rn for tho opening of the uintah indian for was n discussed senator quarles opposed tho the opening a 0 tho the reservation and senators rawl arop spoke in favor of the bill no was wa reached and tho the same a will bo be brought up ht at tho tile of tho emelta today Toure div tho committee decided deci 11 deI arua frua ire tle hear bear the flor arft mining beag ceass all iret be held on march alet 1 dav liftee ave beep eni jeni out for tho the following pu peu sons bonato to appear before the J as a witnesses J H meas memo jolin mo amdrews Au drews erd R pack A I 1 D whit bif lock of vernal agent gent myton Jt attia tia M and H graces graies r inspectors commissioner of indian W A jonesb WF TImms dark clark tunner tanner charles F larabee La tara rubee Y and joeph joseph B cox of the anun n or s moe oLeroy fio leroy R chicago IL D B R harper abt aarun un 0 james 11 litke and henry 0 henderson whito plains N Y postmaster Poat Pot master muster general pity no will not be before bofo rethe the committee but it ie Is pro probably bablo that he lie U ulu III bo be naked asked to make a statement of the leasing of landa whilo he lie was president of the florence company |