Show ft xo X o D alie t e b of D f carbon emery grand and uintah counties rf I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 f t I 1 tl f 44 i i H S 4 6 H H H 0 i I 1 III i who is your most popular young lady married bringle or single ingle who is your most popular young man mafi which is your prettiest baby 1 ft i 11 4 u 10 0 0 0 berf H r I 1 tal f fra 4 copies of the forthcoming mammoth illustrated Edil edition flon of 6 the d 9 TI 1 wisp P ADVOCATE ADVOCAT E i ill be printed and distributed 1 1 1 1 j a 1 W t L I 1 off IT i 1 persons is a coti conservative ic estimate of the number who will read di tl em in order to gi give c every one a chance to assist in the issuing of this work and to show this 0 1 11 1 i i t i i VAST ARRAY OF READERS 1 it nt to JIU I 1 u S what 1 beautiful women sturdy young men and handsome babies i U i I 1 f i are raised in utah the ADVOCATE ins has determined upon a 1 rf I 1 rt 4 i u t t 1 t grand 1 I 1 voting contest I 1 li cur t U il r i lu i a 0 4 i a i r 0 i o W a ti t t lai i by reading the coupons below ou will see that each person cu cut f tt ting a coupon out and sending it to the f E accompany 1 t led by fab fi I 1 L CENTS CEN rs will hecei c when published for every coupon t u w 11 r f sent in a copy of our special illusto illustrated Illus tn ted edition and is enticed for lt nt t v t each coupon to a N ate etc otc for the most popular lady the most popular 1 young man or the handsomest baby in his or her county this ilus contest w N ill close t 0 weeks before the publication of our special illustrated edition when o 0 photographs of the most popular I 1 ladies the most popular young men and the handsomest babies in their respective counties will be obtained and reproduced in handsome hall liall tone engra ings of groups of four in our special illus rated edition free of charge j i t the T lie winning win ninfi ladies will each r receive I 1 a beautiful present w with ith a 0 o f suitable inscription by the editor i A 1 I i the e winning young men will each receive one year s subscription rip tion i to the eastern utah advocate i ft t the winning babies will each receive a ii medal i ie dail I 1 ij re JK absil V Renie e S that when 1 I ta voting for your yov favorite j you are also 1 1 I P 52 2 BOOMING TOUR COUNTY 14 ci 1 va I 1 IL k AW tt I 1 1 1 ain 4 0 r j i VOTING COUPON VOTING cotina VOTING COUPON V 3 i nano 6 xa lam af f a i m i iii nr 1 l a I 1 add address 1 1 aaa i 1 17 I 1 vole vote for or I 1 tty jama ji a I 1 ITOC vot for i A n jl N ki u the baby in abo most popular young boita lo 10 1 as ibe the most popular ady 1 t MI 11 11 cunti m t nit 11 to this hi Indic sled and nl z a coupon as ill rill la in as atad ml and with kb tha tb FU la to the tb advocate capon wot to the Adro cale price ib coupon willea title nt to one on utah which will ill denull ovater to one vote to compoe bein 1 raf to lb AdT ct vote and nd a copy of 0 the be illustrated ot of A jp va 1 borI I 1 t bo illustrated edition of tb alth which will out allu itle sender to eme me am ille advocate I 1 advocate Ad rocele a copy of the tb I 1 illustrated edition tim of the aavo 4 cot lie i 4 j r t voting 0 will last 1 but I 1 I U P t about 0 a anro mo nth send sen G in your coupons at once I 1 a i S I 1 diw t 1 ADVOCATE price utah ims J J BRYANS Book 4 1 j A ALL ALI who ire are interested in furthering the sale of HON W J BRYANS new book IV i i should correspond immediately with the publishers the a work aul wul contain an account of his campaign tour his biography written by his wic ov his most important speeches the result of the campaign of 1896 A review of the political s 1 1 mr br bryan y an has announced bi his s intention of devoting one half of all royalties to furthering C the cause of bimetallism there arc are already indications of an enormous sale address W B CONKEY CO publishers dearborn CHICAGO st oa 03 aa I 1 T H AND T W 0 T HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY blacksmithing INC ALL AT guaran feed ww PRICE UTAH kyj U 7 sea REW ROM MOUNT 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