Show the luetgert Luct Luet gert Sert saus rat vat ill ico see its it do dog day days in tile ali dime Inise util tho the state of kansas li 14 blessed will hoary heavy crop crips so 80 much for mr air dingley bill and 1 may lease mr fo Foal alter cr told an art interviewer that lio he is for ilantha aa aud sound money it may bo be necessary to tarn turn the bone boos on air mr fornier Forn ker of he the user habits of air Is ab gardly opt antof of place it Is much better le he about I flah chest be president tle klond klondike ike anil and the Miel Miss fel lEal I 1 I 1 11 I 1 lever el are yellow ami and from ajr rit appear about dangerous to those al ricken witti wilb cither of efthem than A subscriber r drol pd p d luto into oar our the other day an n I 1 pla aked ked down a ug big silver dollar in a stipulation with tills this pirty it wie wis not to become dae da until ater rib for dill dingi 1 1 1 raal rait mr batir l makes reference refe renco to the bara barnacle acle offlie tekele which nrc are ath kic to him the gentleman should be run over to one of baten vie vic a Cana Can dinn adlon porte ports and dry docked and scraped denver post s there ij Is a wash about a mile from town on the emery county road which should lie the bridged it descends la in a deep declivity for more than twant det is i an ui place for teams to crote at t any ny time and at ur or following R flood li 13 a innaco to probity pro pity and anti life negligence ace or the desire to siva ivo the expenditure of a few dollan dollars in casts of this kind is not true economy the most alarming acco accounts ot of cereal and potato crop failures general ireland in burm quence of 0 continued rains talus and 1 flyod floods appear to justify just fy abo lien sion that that country is doomed to a lauilhe year wone worse limn than anything ia to iti its ead bad tory since 1817 alai far ilia brisiel Bri tiel government lias lug not taken anny action bo ever according to out adyth cannot belong bo long del ayed or will be 1 ii it farry nud aud in the inland island cum comparable pArable only lately la india the good of emery count county be reminded by lip recent floods of 0 a suggestion we oca nide in those columns it was that tho the county comity lav invest I 1 at lp o 0 a pile driver titis this could conla be dont A r ll 11 few dollare dollars an I 1 tout I 1 imao ay to the county many ll dollars in the courso of a few yeara pile illes could ba be driven down V 3 feet in labost paces places where are omary mel would luat ar or at lut lout a dox duin m yean years could be easily replaced when decaying and the county thus save I the annoyance annoy aum ar and expense incident to the washing was liing i way of brid bridges gep at i experienced in the becent tf cant and previous proT ioa flood floods la in another coin cola un on wf w print an inter later Y tew yew ew with the gentlemen who comprise rom prie the committee appointed by president ident y to allol allot the land lands of the g n pent spent a few day days ia in oar our city aud and spoke in 1 glowing terms of the I 1 ot price they are broad giago of allars bud nd breadth of at their statement tbt that all bodi lands raide from gilso will L be le e opened for location ani that they ahey believe thero there ie Ls lelent ian land ds tu lu allot io 10 tile indiana in severalty ralty and to spare meant means lunch touch for os us it port portend endt for pric the bo winter and spring a a large 0 imant ration ant and cal HAL there thereta Tb ereta is a tide title in iambi I 1 h Is 1 of lain und and iowne ich at the flod on to fortune furl nue ou on bu uj Is a high KW bea wa will ji 1 I lo 10 afloat and ibbe it be hoves all to aule a common eifort to fill ill it to it hat alx lx r ot of id pion jarrill jar rily oar streets bi kept hopt I 1 I 1 food good bir private irl rito IM well ie jui cunil lill cial aind and uj iho ix el fout of prita put forward lu in regard E tile rp ning of ILA ism 4 wy away the tits will probably be opened for location and whether a railroad is i built through the nort nori lurn litria matry or not I 1 is are sure to reap an told horn the ot of the last mento ment o 1 rith |