Show to the teachers what is the matter with hie the teach ers in our counte count count bupt L M oison olson in the issue of the of this paper IL iaci the tOn Chers to communicate him their opinions opinion sas as to time and place for teachers institute of this county hut but only one reply 11 his is been made and that one is in a shape that it cannat be considered the lair reminds that such a meeting 0 be held once an a 1 and it is cc acci a one idea idel of 0 the supt bupt to con suit stilt tle acting 0 t teachers in order to make mke it pectin pecuniary iary and beneficially ind and i tas he can besig 0 nato nate both time aud and place it is abo also worth the consideration of even ever teacher to contribute some of their knowledge 0 or doubts to the educational column of this p piper and do not bury 3 our talent inthe in the ground unless it Is so bo small that it cannot be properly hidden any where else but where wo we han hao n a medium as a newspaper wo we ought 0 to use the chance lu to exchange ideas and arouse aronse to ecru nene aie c of information is education BRUTUS |