Show crimson clover 1 the climate aud and coil soil of delaware are peculiarly adapted to the successful growth of crimean clover 1 new explains that iu in colder climate climates aid ald on ou hear bean r doile this clorer clover cannot be expected to do ac so to welle and this lack of growth must ch chuigo age the tho of using fertilizers in connect ka with il it la in the north we mut must evidently mae ex arit tr nitrate of roda pods to secure a more cuore go eol uble form of nitrogen with the long hot se carious cario uj of the math south the organic forms of nitrogen will be room useful there Is a for the shorter season and colder fr of the north awo voluble a vo WO notice that northern farmers who blate made n C cartful study of tho the forti lizor problem genc generally rally ag ree that I 1 I 1 et at bast clue of the r nitrogen bohnii bo be la in the form of nitrate of ro so da es in othir a it I 1 Is likely abat aaro of the la I 1 a clover eod soll would be liberated during one season la in delaware thau than in connecticut aloth er tiling ming about clover ij is the fact that it laud bo be fed the dovet i 1 the crop on which to pot put tho the potash and the tile bone or of rock situe farmers buy crimson clover teed nud it on tb he e t land in nd they th ey haro b a s without or fertilizer fertilizers of coord cour they fail fall the of this plant is not ot to live en on nothing yon you cart giro give it it lot wh and ia add acid and nd it will teal the nitrogen niti ogen to el with the then |