Show 0 0 T A I 1 I 1 N convenient HOG TROUGH it to rrth sets 11 CU lot tb ill feed 4 0 ad 4 stan other the cW tomary V hog trough Is probably the mot most practical cheo cheapest cheap eit stul falcet made device for the and nd with a few change changes can lie be made much snore convenient than bo the narrow little which we find on many I 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 21 tamal to oneff one of them improved WM was aa ar a d scriv 1 I ta in farm parm and in the first cut it ii shown a trough biado of two twos luch inch oak planks the one oo 00 ho the ido side from which tho the bog lim feed Is U 8 inches inches wide aud and the other anywhere from IS 13 ID in hen bes upward the wider the belter better the end cud piece are am alo also 2 inch plank and to fit at the whole trough a tightly between the me j of tho the pen the wide plank should ho ba notched so 0 o that the upper part pan ie Is jutt ju tt ovett is ith the outi lido of tho the end piece pieces a N A wide board butor d in fattened fastened by means of a couple of cleats b b h tacked to the kider aided of the pen la in a sl danting antinor position as shown in tho the cut cul in A largo large pen it would bo tie better to is 2 inch plank for the latter tho the advant advantage agra of f roch such a trough am these the narrow apont I 1 hero changed into an opening tho the whole of tho the trough enabling tho the feeder to meatter the feed to any number of hork hoga thi this ie is especially conTen Int when w hen feeding apple apples potatoes pot atoe cox corn cr or any other allier kind of crain grain it ull all fighting pooling and jamming to a which can set get nearest to the pout when behag fed the slanting ri board 0 pir e ta hoga hogs from a climbing into tho the trough and while it dom does not interfere or infringe fringo in upon a the of the pen it macce the feeding tiley alley roomier which I 1 iq finite quite an item ii in a building of Q i limited 1 AM izo in emptying 1 tho the v pail ail thie this slant li iq I 1 f a kroat groat odran adran tap it allowe allows CROSS OF 0 the pall to be algoet bottom tide bide nn ai a can bo be wen wit by bythe the crow section shown in tho the second cut the trough itself ia is all thit th it ie in needed for p ft partition it can bo be easily moved in cither either direction wid a uail nail or two driven through each eido side of thu pen into tho pua pieced will hold it ecca werely rely in its it place wherever it ia is desired dee ired point about a hog pen pm but one which ie is generally t ed is a hidge or amy e passageway pasti from the pen to tho the yard for the health of the tile stock it i il to gito them then free to IMM nir air and a chance a to keep their pen clenn A email yard ii icat for tax and null the edgo should be lerel level with the ten no floor cf gf eamy grade and shifted or other otherwise wige to prevent hogs from slipping elip when aming in or cut out kaffir cora corso in experiment a conducted at the kan tan ads station stati tho the largest yield ro so far obtained of kaffir corn cam was with red kamr corn bushels of need and bud 1222 13 9 tons toni of fodder per acre acm on 48 trial plata the rowe varied from frova 10 to st inece and the plant from front 4 to 8 incho in tho the row the largest large ii yield of grain wae was obtained obtain rd with plant 4 inches apart in 83 82 inch rown Enri ments that when corn nd and scarly ell all other crops am re complete kaffir corn com will yield a fair cropco crop of borago at thie this station tad kaffir is i preferred to white it grow grown 0 to 0 inches taller tall ripens earlier ear lieT does wt abell 11 ia in handling has a juicier stalk and the bead head alway always pushes clear of tho the upper ali heath cath the meed bic d of white kamr corn ii is liked better liy by toca stock the th black hailed hulled white wh ata baa has been bem amm tile pat past season only it is very tery and may ear pam the red rt atae is X in 1 minnesota Minne eotA ift elation staff bulletin ba lleti notes not and tabulated data are given on 45 va of potatoes pota tested tt ra the station farm 10 varieties Tarie tica in county among tho largest yield yields per acre arm am the following at the station farm fam rural new no 2 bushels lee la favorite sia bodi early farly everitt early earit oxford 28 impels and irish cobbler bushels bua heLi in lyon OL lanty world worlds fair ml bushels american Wor wonder ieler 4 8 c Is miriall daly 10 bushels bu hele early oxford word bo bothell and pearl cf of savoy bushell in mcleod county the yield waa WAS given give n by 8 ini nit tsa moot Att according imling to the furnished by ills Americ tui it awo clealon clet lon Mosi montana tanal lead leads ai U the be states and trial tories of 0 ali union in the slum ber her cf of her find ia in the quantity of wool WOW pro produced docA during tho the lt lat year in addition to thin he the wool of Alon tuu 1 14 pronounced to bo of ito no quality and higher high grade than that produced by any ot or wot of the aze led weater tho number ct c sheep od throughout the state of for the tm 1806 18 we WIN W ah hole I an of more mor than tt MW the number in 1695 1601 I 1 |