Show THE TOWN AND COUNTY there Is I 1 bi but ton one e mm more day for we reg location notice of all kinds carried in lock stock it at tho the Ado advocate cata loftice the Ai advocate has jut just new ineat acx 1 paper paler and tablet tablets the latest ideas U Loe netla Is 13 tin un roof on his store bulicich bul idich with bald agles the old tin till w M III lo 10 used to cover the sheds ho lie ak t erce erecting ting 13 it R iceon kid d ie Is taking a fifteen I 1 dai aa IE E 3 atton Is noting acting illo tile 01 in ie western kent levi N hannon blannon llannon and fa farrill trill an am comfortably situate it in their uw 1 homo Is i la 15 also A mago mcconey ney and family john li hands business house our ot r at Scot lill Is about ready for mccu pancy if will III engage lu in the hole sale beer business stock certificates for mining corn panics lithographed or printed sup piled by iho ilio abic advocate cate publishing company ut at salt luke lake city prices Cor corporate wale 1 made to order M mes as cirl ennis who ho was acal dentally hot by a oung lady coro com panion at helper a few feddas dua a ago with a target gun is getting alon along gery ery willind tit id it will cot tot be necessary to bend send her to a hospi hospital tul al wa was at first thought thereisa there 1 nothing thing better for family and medicinal use than old valentine wh walk lk handled Md ulel in ili ilkiv by y bros the senate saloon in price but high I 1 y Geta oct a bottle for home use highly recommended by I 1 tor for its absolute pit purity rity M a 8 and W P r alwder came up tip aiom green itier utah saturday mr 11 ceder who la is aiso elated with mr Ikey crt sert has just made a mlle journey down the tile green iver river to the and back buck hav ap nickon acres of alne agrical tural land and a number of N aulle valuable lulle lu Lle mineral brings ogden standard several of major lower res r eri aaion indiana indians were captured in routt county colorado i I 1 last ast week eek by the gain addens and a band of deputies the indians had in their pos li abslon alon about two hundred deer hides and find a quantity of meat meal indian agent sifton and a posse of six indian police went vent after the truants laba sunday the adi advocate acate ocate has had bad a letter from H calvert who was lately here looking oer the tile sittia situation tion for a modern hotel in which he says that owing to the lateness of the season for bull ing he has temporarily abandoned d the idea idea but may take it up in the spring again 1 here is a gentleman in kentucky whom price parties are corresponding with and who ho maybe here at any time to Inesti investigate gate the hotel situation previous to his departure for the meeker game Commis commissioner iloner harris yarned warned agent ha a ton by wire that bis indiana would be punished to the full extent if captured in his reply to the telegram A rent M ton intimated that be he was willing the reds be pun shed for any infraction of the game laws as a white man would be for a like offense amton d he would not dot pay any fines or cost rosti tor for the indians he ile notified them not to enter colorado mrs peter reter A francis made epli catlon cation the first of the week eek before judge johnson for letters of administration upon the cemate of her late husband she says sas the ranch raich in nice mile has a alue of the balance cf the up toile consists of sheep catt cattle horses merchandise and farm implements deceased left no will all far as known there are two children bo boys ys aged 10 ard ar cd d it 11 ears earb attending washl iston chool in salt lake cil cit the application 0 was aas granted the following civil service egami nations wl will II 11 be conduced at salt sult lake city november in interpreter ter prete r V U e language for serice sen ice at fort duchesne utah wila eila y 1720 a year ear farmer aidau andau and superintendent PC rin of transportation for united states at atlanta salao salar floco 1000 public docu ment merit cataloguer government print ing in 9 office compensation it inary for fort token indian school north dakota salary swo copper plate worker for geology geo logi cal cat work oo 00 compensation tl to 1 50 a daa da the remains of mrs janet wilson INI whorled letl at scofield sunday october ath were talento taken to Coul courville ville and interred there she had been ten sick for a it few days but it was not thought barlous until a few minutes before she passed awa as he died iery I ery suddenly she was born march 27 1857 in adderson glasgow 93 scotland came to Coal lilic utah in 1887 1687 where she resided for eleven 3 ear ears and from trout there moved to sm field three 3 en ears ago she lea leases es a husband and six children by a former marriage to mourn hla departure mrs mccray became a member of the mormon in Co alvilla alville in 1695 1895 work Is soon to begin in the tile W west est ern erhards 3 ards hero here widening the curie cures of the we so as to admit odthe larger en stines working with afefy on these tracks tin game season for deeran deer and delk elk opened on tho the lath day before pester ester ill and the eastern hills are enid said to be pretty veil mell sprinkled with hunta junurs rs venison should be plentiful in this in within athin a few das daa now potatoes are on the downward grade eo so far us price prices po go at salt lake 1 ke city while a short time fagothey ago they brought 1 90 a bush bushi I they are now to be had at 80 cents in tb this Is section of the state they hn ahmo hmo e been gradually lyde decreasing crea il n g I 1 in P price for some time the illo grande western Is having some grading done between price and wellington with the lew of straight ening out the track and reducing grades and bridges are be ing repaired and anti renewed all up tip and down the line throughout eastern utah conal lerable indian freight will move in the direction of the two agencies after aitt r the indians haie had their first fall hunt in colorado though the pres pree nce rice of the wards of the government across the tile line li Is not boffl cial it doean t take much of a guess er to locate them at chii particular time of theeart the ear yankee bill thomas has opened up tip a nent short oilier order restaurant in the building two doors west of the post postoffice office and la Is now nov c cil ering to the ap appetites r aites of 0 the io to ere era of a good steak oysters elsh and other delicacies of n r the market in season Thelious the house ehas has been neatly furnished newly and is attract le ile should be I 1 borally patronized as the place Is just such as the town has been in need of for sometime some time A ire fire occurred at 3 last friday morning at the home scofield burning a tool toot building with tools utensil utensils etc to the alue of about 75 had I 1 not been for the calmness of the night and the good work of tho the neighbors in pi the house houses on cither either elde aide from taking lire fire there Is 1 no telling how disastrous the might hao been A boarding house occupied by italians ag only sixteen feet from the burning building and other houses ak were ere near the ore fire dr paul Pau ennis lEnnis was tried at ferron last thursday be ore justice john duncan on a charge of practicing med medicine acine without a atae license county attorney truman appeared for the state and alark P braffet of for tho the defendant the state put on four witnesses to pro proe e that ennis hal I 1 them tor for various all ailments ments at the conclusion of the states e ev idenie the defendant defendants attorney mord for a nun non suit on the ground round that ennis had not treated them for a fee but had merely charge for his medicine cine which in some cases was as high as 20 the tile justice Us dla charged the defendant |