Show EXHIBITS AT STATE FAIR SURPASSED PREVIOUS EFFORTS weber county horticultural exhibit the feature of the st mitlon tion marked improvement in quality of en tries in all departments list of prizewinners Prize winners the state att fair for lot 1901 closed tb the moat most successful exhibit la fit it its history last saturday olf flit the attendance atten waa was slightly lose than list year and abe th receipt receipts not 0 so o large by as so 11 S but th the exhibit exhibits tere better more orde orderly and con violent and dd tb business at 0 the association wa was tract trace acted with lea less friction than war tutor ore tir tile exhibit round around centered the mont most interest lole reit waa ware the bisp a of horticultural product alij abo bounty a extent at e nt that of all the ulber th 11 counties coa atlee I 1 of the lh latak combined oom blaed had other counties done BOB 11 a build 1 tea t on times ft as large would flare beau be ell re quiren hat flat tj the ae lilb lt from all the counties while li limited in quad city wr were surpassing la in ex excellence cellen L A display a variety of chelc chelc s fruit coming f from sections colod ct loD so 0 o widely scattered catl red ft a few year years ago would liar have been impossible that such an a exhibit la in possible nov now Is I 1 pointed to aa as a striking eso knople of what a strict eo on forcen wit of 0 wise wl law laws will accomplish the lire live iteck exhibited wa was r one fine and nery tall stall was 0 occupied ZU p j c 7 there ther we were 2 entries of 0 horses anil and of cattle doth both classes graded higher than lait last jer and were pro 13 un cod especially fine by east rn alo due stock rr onra who were pre prea ent of the loading livestock ll elock industry duttry la of the tate state balloy there wai was little to indicate ita its importance I 1 ira entries comprised the tile t T two T y 0 en LOW arf of ii buc vine dit 1 terent e re ent breed divide the attention of 0 fanciers la in that hoe line the T he mineral exhibit was the belt beet aln tance ce 1800 1990 and included petroleum and other oil alle following Is a hat list of prize winnen winners la in the more important cla classes HORSES nt nest stallion al ith one of his ret get den itar her mn oa it miller iller allt mere inre I 1 rear old J R winder kail riall lake ke efto G 0 Crie raon union lock stock yard lit heat tilt one 0 her coif 0 0 cri cris won 1 Keat gelding cHloi I 1 artir years old aid john it IV winder 1 ader second thoum thomis matthews be b I 1 aike 0 lloil 5 year old goldblat gold lat 1 I 0 peterson reter aoa ephraem paIr marts T it 1111 smith loean ll 11 blest matched pair C edings lien lieu aarmon iller le lies gelding I 1 jean years old and over hen tien urmon liest mare I 1 years old and over T it 11 smith l kally tenfold T it smith I 1 cnare lib one of her bolm 1 IL JI hismith Smith I 1 e stallion 3 years old jobs it wl winder nd r I 1 ss stallion tal lloa aith lui oe as ot of his get J n winder test mare 8 years old id george X cannon i matched team of shetland panic W 0 winder jr bolt not team to pole 0 aeo oeo IV grander if conmy boo home to harness john mccoy bait salt lake ailt addle hone or mare pr dr pfoutz salt sah L clr I 1 lie lies draft stallion lon any n ago ee or breed james ras R licit lies cosell stallion an nj age or breed broad james it ball th tareq roe and dd 0 orr er john K r seely mt beasant lea sant ont wilf J sam maysville raysville Rays ville sto 0 o ona ford jim Ceni erville third bull hull wo ml under three whit ft san U ony r tile fir cm ford bral Ct cavillO eo boj E layton thira hull bulls on one and od tj t J it R alien alles A droe bros draper first elltion ellison broe bron lIou rood uni d J A kaly mt idt 1 thir third d B six months at i d under one alla allen all a bro bros inper biml V bile boni bons ky villo till second and ni third bull CIT calve under six alx lx months white son rons Ray arille first ford bro bros eo ond alien allen laros tire inper ah third I 1 rd avia ron on ka arst heifer better calf sit alx lx month and dd buder one year third belter heifer cal under all alx lx months alien allen uro bros draper second heifer calf six months and nd under one year bro bros i layton ant first be belter ter cu calf under ill all months tord ford jiro centerville Cent 1111 erville second heifer better cu calf under siz ix months whito ft son sons kaysville Kays ville fret tad lad b and for senior herd one bull and four our cw caries ant bros for or beat best cow and nd two foot of ber her calve 1 boad or I 1 ull lad two 0 mccond 1 bull nv ace n fant cow any ny age ee second bull three e oja old d nd over area bull two years old and nd a lindar ar three i elond fat tat steer any n age second li fal beffer one ow ad under two tohild heifer two and nd under three arl belter heifer calf area tow cow ny ace ce int brat fat at ct oad steer arst beat roup group rt at cattle alien allen bros drapor A fant s laflor r herd one bull and dd four our deliere litt tera sec raj juniol and nd two of 0 liero herc tire alres botond co cow any ny e brt bull one ind under two pears A fant agea bull a rl if second cow three a r first heller heifer one CD and ad under two Y e mr J I 1 ord broe bros Cew erville first fit fat brer any Us fent fat at cow any ace second same alaa second bull two and nd under three amond tat it 1 feri first tat el calf better cal joba john it 11 seeley Us Ples Pl etoni nt first beker helfer two and under three fant bull u ahre kill over zest bull toy any age fint at bull 1 I 1 nd d two of his hi get let second junior herd bull and nd four our beirer i ers 1111 son dro bros layton leeond bull one OB ind and under a second heifer calf ibe ilia island improvement company we wits the win inner of 11 all II tir the premium premiums la in this tnt division olio hull bull two and nil under three buu bull one and ad dwor 1 two arut and oil botond bull bull tat 1 ont ad kond row cow three thre and tind over tint area lad and biou 4 cow fo two and ad under three ant inner beffer one and ad ander under two first and dd boond ft cond hairer alf ad of 0 one buu bull and four our females toli farm nn bull ahr yean years brt aratt bull hall coo OD yer year bond bull calf el w baad beuer oto kaeyer y wad beff belter ercal c r tint U U rr canaan is llie lake second for 3 yer year old ball bull beet calf first raw ahme thi r yan oti ala art bondi bent beet benl two rn ant year clr n 11 U 11 falt lake boll bull one oo 00 year 14 J II 11 winder Wl ir sal clr firpi ar art beker heifer 14 oo 00 one jer year 91 third bull lo 10 arr ar art 4 amo if the Hc tetela b rr juha it R wlbur ta rot 9 11 art ral prize for or paw cow ahr rear years old aid or over oa 04 a 4 J 1 X jert 0 of old lanct nt flost 1 laundry NOT 00 oo hufh amp cM pany jitt behind pow r twos ix rt ff d illi campany III play Y extra en etal IL alx lx I l illi play alce e P 9 1 cwm boroo madi candy bo t attle varieties rt tle fro from un J sugar U albl a boody clodya a hot IKU poune kair Fura r 0 o w pa beet display honk ItI blawn I 1 lumny za 7 bl aba musad wad Z L 0 4 1 lart I youths koa 1 bor boy aimuel ahoe cua com n hinr lift llly ani sade ad adren a 0 ch abool ahoe 4 mea men a aa books bt bel y daul illi play 6 a one barboo shoes beil bees boot boats and 6 aboe ahls 0 5 A J L ait t flanne lok t tec frimere frim erf bt be 9 dreu dren rood bal 1 blan blanat kt b t 0 0 1 0 d I 1 til ulu 0 hoar hom 0 marll mtr jn a t e r ll i ali bees ni larfet 11 play nib men s dress lr goods cutler cutter jirol licit flout display woolen frill best bisp a y maccia tone bill k ix uday mill Sherl lees cle machine kalt burll tab wool J X 2 1 he IM offered for forth the bftts mercantile dl di 1 0 me donald bady 7 company and nj lir uro ue ijes five pounds white hlf and ail colored beat be work piece diem IJ ti cacti linsey cache AND palm dox elder der county count j nest ti verge IV neck Kelb kelbly bills lt uke fond P c a 1 lo 10 eat thirty apples N it 11 johnson provo crt cr t lyman storker corth ofden second klue aul qu al il 11 a ibrom ogden rrt rr cl t ja M U tylah I 1 r ja J il i maunu I 1 ir t vill tr u ud d beat aw it i t 1 wilton wilson dron ogden u liitt st jime james kulker jr mill rn k e nj k quallia iwaki P thomas aboa U 11 gitelm rient pi e Is erni s vl belr eler county ort arist un mrs 0 U D a reek second clarreet 4 be bow display di alar of pears james U fisher jr MU trek creek ant first wilson jiro O 0 ps abree karr oar il north NorL hogden d nevon ceotis rit r f 4 bet C jiem M fisher J ant buocz J at r ogden ahr boil beat yari etla plu wilmon uro 11 roe fart ame 1 latr jr aill errek second T 0 11 sr mu plum q james if elbr jr it X I 1 I 1 I 1 jr a liros norte north dirden onvad oad ut deet twenty 1 five roun I 1 Is sun dried peaches E U G AlcUri ff north birden wilson 0 beet t ile laru meaty are pounds peaches pah 11 lest 1 1 pounds evaporated Tipon ted pencho Z 0 twenty propounds dro pound pounds evaporated plum plums haber danion D nion nr 1 uel t SU aad larfett lardret lar iret variety mall small fruit fruh in jars jn drs V t L lial lle llcy y arst mr ury mary L big second 9 emit alloa elroe orden ogder arsa jamae amm nidier jr it mill I 1 reek second lleta d pla utah rUfh canned loads godo alt bait lak lake valley C company fint arai wan stach laa las lecont liet lie t to 60 goods utah orates ora teJ prunes heber scanlon der Mc anlon L garitty alum binm maher jr mill creek ant first W uro odda second blest prune wilson uro first ji JL N mo griff second largest valety prunes billion aros first a 5 VV nest 1 aul nees james it I 1 abr iles U thirty pea calem james U fahr first V llon second pears N uro bros arst james U flaher fisher second agricultural PRODUCTS nest iles exhibit bees be bt beat IM pound comb bon boney J beat of t too tr acted 1 hooey coney beat hens displace dis display kuckart hooey homey beat pound pounds beet bees wax bet S I 1 41 albl to ion of ben bees la in observation hire best exhibition of 0 hooey honey producing plant plants batt tn to U is I 1 clui class john alack bon on hundred pounds flour nour intern li coal willing kompany oom pany frit tint lift bushel spring wheat brat beat buthel bushel white corn earn bert ben twenty pound pounds timote timothy need ed beet beat lubern seed ed best 11 ION late tete squash bet best alpy rhubarb bent best hall bushel yellow alliett toua joseph argyle atit bumbel dueler tet bushel goodrich balt early re r e beat pride of th tho west t best Vs I 1 best beat bozon jong ion red carrots best bait bushel yellow lanvers Lan verg best led onions best beat bite onions bent best early turnips beet beat dipiny lettuce best tes radi she dia display play pot herbs peppers cucumber cucumbers watermelons water melons floD vegetable marrow kohl rabia miery worthy variety of at beans bentee tx ontex hibit of farm products fro products ducts best tta ten gallon gallons moe anoe b he sweet corn tt t t do ell long rj r j beets best beet sugar aar beels beet beat carrot carrots bet best Pars bet late turn pis best belt tit display splay early s h bent tomato tOMio tol best green beao loul louls ate r dis mul Playe creek ticul itron ephraim brief bountiful Us belt alpy ll hull bird squash bet beat ftc pitol plant be bet pumpkin pump kic 1 Cent centerville erville I 1 wait dozen manceb auriel beu jobs IL wincer W 1 ice lit 1 1 est bushel oaf oats streeper bros dro center v alue e best bubel bushel all fall wheat center till client bubel early willard potatoes pott toe bea tx t sir me cusiter Ical eirk W tet wt t rural N w I 1 corker best be early fortune belt beat hammond a wonderful bent best puritan best early J T mabey maby let beat summer squash F birgia Cent centerville Center erville rlUe DAIRY PRODUCTS fi butter L it pro kerer eden weber county ont tint lureka but ter made at second beet general d talar and a ad quality of creamery butter aj foust 10 lo art iles quality eh chaee people i mercantile caltry ci larcery Ri ellmond first hooper dal dairy COMP compary I 1 hooper see oil ad ut U 13 t ral display of at and beat best general jchse of dairy company agricultural MAtTU NERY best wash ins mac hine 8 lU richardson chardson ason son beat ot plow belt beat hay bay derrick tm beat liar bay rath frer beet beat hay amicker M to laco m airy y latars uc churna chur nt a 8 1 richer silt salt lake |