Show U UTAH STATE NEWS the state I 1 air opened tuesday 8 IV seam li ii some ralta near waterloo ater loo a suburb at bait lam lake which welve aud and a half halt ounce outlets orron orson C r allred of tiring city via at martl fined read ITS 7 3 by judge johnson for violating a decree of tile court in using tar from oak creek the daughter daughters of the american revolution of SaIt Lahe city propose to erect a public fountain la in liberty park to cot cost about IWO 1400 it has been definitely decided that the tabernacle choir will make a trip to ban 80 francisco Frane laco add other california cities catl making a concert tour lilt list spring ofra a kail salt lake nan man bought 1303 1500 cases or 36 OW 00 eggs at tl 13 per case lie its placed 1 la in cold storage so and d last week laid them at a caa came A ierg e steel mill backed by eastern capitalists Is to ie be erected la to salt lain lake for the purpose of working up tip utah iron iran ac accord cordic ls to the report reports jets keller of ailanti ansta lined a broken leg tk by fruto from a load of hay lat last week mr keller haller hd had tile other leg broken in tho the ame same manner about L year avear ago 00 A discovery of oil all baa has been road made in Sati pete county nor manti in a avell which waa was being driven for water oil flow down ao so freely loto the well that it cao can be pumped out IL st keen while riding in doi der ir creek canyon a fw few daya days ao ago came near hia life his hone horse filling falling orera avers precipice fortunately he li ea on with a severe ilia klog up elizabeth elwool died in salt lake last week at the age of 03 93 she wa was a rood goad health until a few daya days before alie she died and raa was able to do flae fine needle work having received recel ted her liar leeond eight the company owning the mineral paint beda beds near Koca harem arc are flour ing on making improve mente and will resume heary heavy thip ship mente menta to the eastern markets arketa ro to in the the syracuse canning company lot 1 making diakin a peason run of 10 to 15 I 1 ff a of canned tornadoes torna toes and prices are held hold at 92 32 per ce cate the company la Is turning turn loff out also apple pear peach plum plumard and quince butter katie ratio sampson la an eight year old child of glenwood has ba rone gone almost if not quite blind aa an the result of baling bit OD on the ball of the eye by a willow disease set in the tile one eye and was transmitted to the other internal revenue Ilc renae collector Call Lter has h received a check from rom the excy tor tors of 0 the li marcus farcus dily rily estate orla the amount ot of the inheritance tax on personal property inherited by various legatee legatees under the will pau beak the man arrested at cheyenne wyo I 1 for implication lathe burglary burg liry of 0 neck decks jewelry tore store in provo on august lat last and who was brought back to provo has been bound boun dover to the district court for trial robert nobert the calder a park bicycle direr diver who fractured hie his skull lo 10 august I 1 ly y a all fall it at the park petit 1 loo and nd was thought fatally injured basso bac far recovered that he was able to be taken to ills kl home in b fin ten last neela moses thatcher wu was thrown from his buggy in bait lake situ severs ly injured while a young of thoroughbred the accident occurring ID in bis his own yard lie ile was dragged against a stump and received a dm num ber of cuts and bruises bruit illary the utah company at lake view will be completed about the lath the company corn pany ba has beta been delayed beyond the time ex pecked pee tedon on account of 0 the difficulty dIBI culty in getting steel cwm the tb east easl are being received rece ired at the plant hancock Ils post no 4 of the 0 A IL was instituted t I 1 ark city on the with nineteen charter me roem bera bur 11 ing log the th evening the goodmen a of the world gate gave the veterans 1 a banquet of pork kod beans and entertained them with music song sang and speech the net profit to the th elk elks lodge from the carnival 11 held la in salt lake lulea last week was the total attend ance the tb clio children who ceniu in sit free at W was 56 DOT tr the kangaroo Kin hin court netted about vim so and ni contributed colonel jack the tile former aldo of minstrelsy ded d d ID in bait lik lake saturday last from an attack of typhoid favor colonel 11 mason of abe moUn idely known showmen in th the world but tout abandoned the stage lat late 1 in SOs int ud zd u size li asat u halla falls an assyrian boda tickets for the alk bike a street carnival cArn ll in bau balt lilet city last lost week Is said to b be ba a among the the oc tic lion of the gate receipts In Introit trusted ed to be acara Is alto cone gone several bun boa dred dollars in all the B Y college at logan on tuesday of last week with a reia of nearly beatin beating irr all allare pre records thi tho agricultural col tol logo ilia also has a is larger attendance then at beginning of ol any soy other school year |