Show CF 11 antio I 1 of the board of countr era to X ke linse of real Es tate notice N 1 hereby given of the intention of the a of county commis slon erot carbon coneta to the folio real rold in the tile cu co anty of carbon suite of utah to wit nt tit a point uw fly hundred and twenty phrae ind find one I 1 alt air feet south 67 57 degress 40 min ute ibor at IN 1 mitche inart int rt hund red and twenty nine and thaw twelfth teet leet of northwest corner of section 21 township 14 adouth 10 past east S silt tit bike neeri I 1 lan thence rtin nina south 67 57 witt 40 mini mint ts t s antt birti six and one half 56 fet fett t to and one hundred hn adred ak IOU feet foet from center of rio bit grande company llop chonce dae south ti two w hundri do 2 feet thence one him hun ired red nn an 1 8 sixty illy six f ct north grees 4 40 0 minutes west thence northeasterly one hundred bill one otie tind one half hair 1711 betti to pino of beginning price eune of flu ben avith ints there them on conal id ug of the building hento hertta f I re iri ri ascii cef As is store b gilld ing the price proposed to be bald ald re Is seten tn hui hu dired and fifty i d chirs it is proposed to purchase property from the emery count compana compain in the t timo e used fixed bv the said sald board bourd of houct LOu ct commis loners when they will meet to constipate such purpose e 1 monday 0 tober 14 1001 at t ailo J 0 00 k p m at ai the offlie cf the cound clerk of carbon carton conate L laib t ib 1 cited at utah sept mierlo 10 W V 11 dolo do counti clrk and clerk of ho ito ml lord of or counts cint of carbon all ulna h beat 12 last oct 4 1901 1901 |