Show K NORTHWEST NOTES trouble la IS brewing between the th rancher michas and ad sheep ownen owners vivas lan dex wyo over A hairy now snow storm scoured an a AI al plus pia pass colorado reee rec eudy the th mow snow fell 11 lo 10 a blinding theet for an boor hour and dd waa as followed ejr by a severe hailstorm judg judge dixon of poablo haa has issued an to retrain restrain the altaf board of equalization from acting further la fit th the matter of tamo property proper lj of corporations corpor lloa under the tile new now revenue law A special train of forty carload carloads of potatoes left stock ton lou cat cal friday for or the middle and southern Hout bern 8 state t atal the po tateo are ral sedon 00 the river islands weal went of the city and land tood there oa on barge barges the transport tran aport will leave 11 ban francisco next saturday with a number of teacher teachers for philippine schools cho ola and the t kosport sumner will follow en ca tile lah another large delegation of teachers the large flour kulil of nelson 1 story at bozeman Hox eman mont waa was destroyed dea troyed by fire lad last week the mill had a capacity of barrels a il day and waa was valued at tto tile fire caught from anever an heated bearing on a abaft john anfrew of cited lodge moot moul waa was instantly killed by joba john kofira lat last week who tal him for a it betre and sent a bullet through his hi inart loi lart the aen men vre tetra with a party enjoying an outlaid at tir the lewi ranch warehouses of the paper will and of the crown paper mill at city cit or ore ever r de tr cd ty ar gre 1 t WAA 0 ou was oi of paper ana one hundred tona tons of sulphur n the crown warehouse were ere i do strayed emmett A nealand the young man who recently applied in beattia for a writ of habeas corpus for bla his baleus from navy failed to substantiate bla his caal claim in that be bad been coerced loto into enlistment by bla his father in order to bovent prevent ila marriage and still must remain in the service 1 charge charges of hare have been on preferred against ir dr henry brown presiding elder and dr P A cool pallor pastor of the first M II 11 r church of spokane and rt hot T U pastor of the church ot of coeur dallat dAl rat additional charita lItS ot of fraud and deed are made al dr cool the body of a man waa was found beside the railroad track near edgewood CL last week the head waa was badly mutilated in bis pocket waa was found a bank bookoff book of the hibernian bank of san fran frea blaco bearing the nami imams of simons erik aon son lite thought be b was robbed aal and brown thrown from a freight train by train A vert rich quart quartz ledge haa has been disco vend near malheur malteur city or oro an assay haa has been made which go goes 1210 33 gold to the too the strike rae was made by two poor me mao while whits dig ging gin a ditch they are from 83 3 to 5 3 per day each 1 if pounding the a lock sock la in a mortar by hand and then banking it using quicksilver to catch the gold cold there Thero were 1090 1050 s reported from menthol in aa with arnera earners em m aloyed who received la in wages the product being valued tt at omitting copper and lei lead melting smelting and bem waa was aa an ID in creace ot of ISO 6 per cm cent from 1890 to 1600 1900 in the IS number of wage earner earners employed aloyed nna novi a his ba reached ikover that a mob has burned tb the remaining 1 building belonging to ll lm it lit G 0 god od atsa lake tk the trouble began when one of mr guard guards allied a ranchman ma a la lit a controversy contro Teny or the tb right to bih fish in the lakes alne e thin all sill the buildings on bad rad cliffe a place the fish hatchi ary ry baa has been destroyed dee troyed jy mob mobs somewhat of a sensation ae waa created at bry br y floreo ida lut list week abon a report wa was circulated that thomas ennia ennis WM was mi saling ecale and at M donnelly hav have been working a claim la to JuIllette Jull letto gulch after breakfast laal last monday moods jr donnelly proceeded procer ded to th the claim while ennis weal went hunting deer eer he loot his way in I 1 a the tb a hills and roa dered for three daya days curly nearly starving arving at before he w za two seattle lawyer lawyers bare in hand nearly two cora of cases against the Cs allan pec P ec company la connection with the th wreck of the steamer islander Iila ader which ar are to be ansti buted for damages dim age for loa loss of life loa joao of property and injury to health in accord accordi acce with an in n i issued by the ale a erne eme court F A if einza from operating oper allne tho minnie healy mine at butt mutts ending an art appell from fromader fro made a do etal in to favor of If elaze th minnie 11 aly 1 haa has been closed down the stage ru kalug from cal lo 10 mendocino was held hold op tip at 4 thursday afternoon about ten agulles from ukla the express tp rega box waa was taken and ad two t and the driver the amount of booty secured cured la to not rr the who we as arre baker city oty or last week hw hv h w been examined before united statts atal clan illos lover F L moore and bound oyer to 0 o the united states court in n ion K s fernch booda the arizon Arl zoni t mines are be fuming a cload clue rival ot of the united verde cupper la in the amount and value 1 of i their product it iaia is said the copper queen Is shipping from four to fire ilya carloads of bullion a day equal to about poun da of copper I 1 cert be rt hillman mho who escaped from the idaho pen berrr on the 2nd and last ha been beau captured II 11 vaa was caught four miles oath south of meadows a dowa la in vt rh ington counis by two mo farmers irmela who had ben u abin for bit him and la Is 1 ayala aib tripe |