Show 81 11 1 t ft wayland brown who with writh dr august lit unger was w convicted of 0 conspirator to defraud u insurance company la in the famous defenbach case raw was thursday Thard jr released rele aard from jall at t u sad rd the t sentencing kenten elof lim to ti penitentiary 11 and ova a order Imp imposino osIne a floe glue of sub ut tita ted juder tuley upon the an of the tile merdict that lie li would hav have blei w ralth ith a flat fine believing that brown ill own na was elleh lly to blame la to the conspiracy lbrown paid 1300 of the fine and od ba his wife the daughter of a wealthy illey ill hy cleveland Cle reland id stool manufacturer became acuri it tji far the remain ler ter |