Show SUMMARY MARY J Gonin sit of maryland bu has lie cand doo for bloc 1 alo A an Ital lail and three mojave 11 J were la in the colondo colorado river A t 4 the tb needles sunday lo 10 shanghai it I 1 it reported that bun ban lit b las clied seized four our cl call ties nr near hobden twelve cases of bubrdle plague and four our deaths from rom that alme have oc burred at oporto portugal Port akl failures Fal 11 lures for the put past beti numbered 04 ID the th united makes acalin aa t 07 last yearl and 33 23 la in against it 21 at jrr year joseph coph lodes the found of ot pawson won city in the klondike Is 1 dead kt at bli his hoce la in Boti I 1 ails all N Y ot of con eon the netherlands cabinet bu ban resigned la in consequence of the recent electa election dam by which the th government a app joet thirteen leate seats ednid a ogro as alte 1 tro eutH cutti at t the tb ohio state friday tir the beant success fel ful in tory dew A british transport having on an board the tb first shipload of floor prisoners pr loner ta be quartered on darrel darrell a and i 4 islands hasi h arrived la in ihmud Ir mud w stars Prel Preal dat dent 1 L C crenshaw of the cor coor iris ft railroad wu was stabbed kod and injo abod od bf by I 1 11 II kirk a kullson Pul lson conductor le Is an tiler aller ration tat loo 4 A from caf th gmt arc 1 u r 81 surbir rime I 1 tu re p tolt volt 1 be rebels are said ld to be b over running the th country rT irv pillaging and ad burning in eu zu claar wl wis tb the mal trot teak of the wallace circus kil kilting an a lph nt and lug the th satire atar mona gerim many persons were warmly hocke shocked at cairl cassel prince france th the two leijers lem Jers in race came cams their ina chines then dashing dai lilor into a arald of spectators one child being seriously aly injured word ha has bia boom ref roz elved elvea lo 10 pekin ol 01 the arrival ot puke ln lan aad aj prince tuan at Turk turkestan estan la tat which place of they hire have been usi tented to mide reside itera exner excer director of the germany bank which suspended pay bisulk june if 23 haa ban been sa rested the publia prosecutor cetor la Is the felirs of the bank james manning waa was arrested arre arreld td 4 ft few days ago isto at el bno neon oklahoma and placed in jail and the next morn inIC be he was found dead la in his hi celt cell no reason Is assigned alf ned for hie his death the th body of john campbell Cani a miner minor who was carried away in a losser ar ouray cola colo isa 1 january haa has VA just bea been recovered tred tha the body waa wax in n IA perfect statz of prose 11 lb bear al maximo gomex gomez hai has arrived la ls nev novo fork from 11 general gomes said ha be was e delighted U t once more anore set et oot foot on american soll uha he felt that ji he was among friend friends to 4 charlea Oart bartlein lein was drowned in the dubits river oklahoma setting fetn lie steeped at pd luk ln a deep hole bole tsume entangled in to the net and we drowsed before help could rench reach him hita I 1 JL A census of the th les la in new york state Is I 1 to be beun begun in about a w by dr danlia lewis commiss inner of at the state tat board of health it will rill be b the of the klod kind ever anier taken by that state pending the settlement aUlena ent of the chi eu ese indemnity another loa lots hea kalien in a reference to who shall pay for tot the main entire a of the legation 11 gatras atter after have withdrawn their main malu force forces rr t lord mza bu has improved la in health alece hia his return to engi engl oj oil in spite of the oon presents of butau with the onlo colonial ulal office and u social he ile takes a broadview broad view of in south africa A large force of doers commanded coma by malan and attacked kich well coid cape colony at daybreak june 23 the th fighting lasted until dusk he batra retired upon the ap amen af of british ja Is the second 1 of jack roberts Bober tJ chirped with manslaughter in n causing the death of billy aeillo of Ihl phil ladel sael ahik am a the result of a contat la in london april robert roberta tad and all the other de defend foo dauts iuta in the case were wore winit whited ted the situation n u the it IV va coal co alfield fielda Is 1 very quiet ao so far As any broach between the mine guarda and the strikers Is t concerned but sheriff wad bd other county fear that a fend fead may break out ib lu that dla act at any ally bione A movement hai has ben been started the new york anil and district ot of aae knight of labor in new e york and vicinity ballal 1 for air ita its object the rata latof of the to the ll 11 0 in thia this country some walte or salesa yeara years ago 0 murderer george 0 bilen blien ho killed lyn lyus jek jelf fred clay wn and lawre lawrence nee oleson oa on the froze i yukon river t trail raft la december baa been to found ind sit I 1 guilty of rainier la in the first degree R and baa has ben been sentenced to bo be banged ja a dawson anguia 23 dwter lying idle times may 1 owing to a strike ordered by the miner union the smuggler union mill at a colo colas hu has resumed opera thol the strike waa ivan not declared de clard off but so violent is 1 being erl by the men I 1 IV V ia Lere have added addato to their Istre aRth by securing the co of the be mea men at the alma i alam who vrho organ a union with the leaders estert esti rt la i men are employed emp lored la 10 41 11 tbt winel ip IV that field deb r 1111 |