Show THE TOWN AND COUNTY the deapen will be 1 on after next Sa june esth then there will be IL calico ball at tit town illila friday night juno june 31 21 bo catlon 0 of all bluds carried in I 1 in stock at the nd bite omee amiee ida lilt moro entertained a bumber of frien ie Is last opening at carda cards bull refreshments rtin ilse irn iva hait hits nc ac a I 1 etli price co cc oper institution there la to to lc U it 11 rifle shoot at it hun sun 11 fal 1 r 1 11 builds Billi some ot of the tile last la t st of eastern utah rebelde there charles ailee nud and ml jennie were granted nee to wed iho first of alio tk they reside ht sit Il helpers elpers 1 team Is to gho gi a a it dance at hall all tomorrow 1 Tho derived aro arv for uniforms and other of tho the club so oral of tit me IL 6 1 y a e M liu ito luli lut ly went to 0 craod J junction u n f from born price to work A 0 rk in the tile bet llelah aro back homr home tho the aall I 1 ill were nil all right but tho the meather thor was loo warm for them ae As Is customary cus custo marN each ear the ital ian itin of the se t rut owns of the county will tho tile ati etli and of july at gate late there will le luuL lr nt at the I music and a general ROI good tim time gillley and dollic ferguson hao a bob bub 1 boy at their home which Is a week old today there them la Is also a boy ot robert and stella rowell powells s ada a da lounger mother warren ho ito boffl on both occasions deporis the mothers and boy bo s doing nicely nic ely I 1 mrs william streator or III desires to hear from ishmael or albert blaes who came to utah about trient twenty two 3 ears ago and who if it living are now about 15 45 years 0 old ill they came here with their parents information sent to the above addre address s m will ill be appreciated Chub MUlburn millburn has been knocked out for several d days ays with a lame back caused by a fall in slipping on a beer bottle while packing bottles in barrels for shipment he lie has been attended by dr of 0 helper and Is now getting over oer his pain palm the board ot of county 11 will meet next wednesday Wed nesda the and gho gio the sheep men and others a hearing ea ring on their raises in assessments numerous owners of stock hae ben beta summoned to appe appear arand and show call cabie why they should not stand it raise A r callard of huntington is I 1 eick sick a t the tile ot lot kovl X of ar ahn ta Is his attack the till hill 1110 orande grande western chasm alia re celled A baill buill number ber of ilow pounds capacity flat oira clam they tire all till excel t the fluur floor M many tiny of 0 the vou country merchants are ate of the tile opinion that thia this 11 ie it bout time to abolish the etui Pt ui anti they are working to that end IlsA lIln late of grand junction luie liae their restaurant i open to the public in tit the Iler runn lakten in build gnp at aldier liaos veo er mat nat I 1 lace and are starting arting Bt out with a R good business lite annexton tic tl 1110 grande west ern hotel at helix r I 1 Is i in ca ring corn com cletion I 1 exibe to tx guests there by ju july y by chich time the furniture and fixtures Ix fix tureA all new anti nio gioi dro rn will be in woollen say tiny the ranges aro are lulng tind that the men who areto ralio wool in the future must not depend ulion the public domain but must either leahe or own on the ground 4 alvn which illich the tile sheep are f fed id the th e bleu biennial nial co contention mention of cc v ut anty ity school sulk ri is convened ened 30 benlay at salt anko city bbate In elbon will tho tile adol of uniform exam lantion for the eighth grades andee and alao also uniformity fortuity in the question questions for the witten w itten review reviews which tire held periodically during the bear ear A bond of CW with poulton 0 nevell of pro o as sureties eur etlee wae wits flied 1114 in united states ourt lat thursday SL ltv V le sidney le ie bleur and A A noon to coar pound gilsonite seized by the united raa at price last february the mineral was ordered released llella r and castle gate pla blaed ed nt tit the noon the score being 22 to 5 in baior of the railroaders the pitcher of the coal heaver heavers was knocked out in the third inning nod and two others were sub hurton barton tossed for the helper bos bo e and was simply invincible alel per will pla price on the F fourth game can be arranged for money marbles or chalk there will be ci ahll it ervice exam examinations ina in salt lake city jill july rard mcd and ad for I 1 photographer hoto grapher division of forestry department of agriculture with a salary at 1200 also for draftsman and engine cir r division ut of fure furet atry itry salary iloco the examination for or secretary of the national bureau of standards treasury department that was wai to have been held laet last w week eck haa has tietia postponed until saturday juno june und among the cadets found deficient def lelent in examination and discharged last saturday at NN vest est point was cadet dunford of utah bis his failure leanes EL vacancy lu in apportion anent and his ills successor be chosen in the il ial 1 aitay itay ay it is thought this thi swill ill make a place for eugene jr of castle gate who stood second at the examination lately lati ly held he tit at salt lake city nt at which time loung jarn is of st george waa was hyrum rayle administrator of the estate of the lute late matt thomas in ft t rag the advocate that deceased left property worth about six thousand dollars the most of which la is represented by sheep cattle some money and real hatate what hie his indebtedness will to cannot at this time be ascertained the life insurance which willett he lie was 8 sed d to be carr carrying ing to the amount of five thousand dollars 1 iii I I 1 lap ed owing to the premiums not being kept up tip one cine of these was in the equitable lift life mr rayle is tho the permanent adminis by appointment from judge Joli william F cleghorn ru who has been N working for jie le gilson milner syndi cate cato at the coal mines north of price dime came into siring string glen a feddas few da s ago almost a raring maniac and was placed I 1 laced in jail here to be tried as to hie hit sanity N when bell taken in charge by sheriff wilcot h wag was almost nude he ile imagines when these spells come oa oil that he Is a detective and goes outto out to follow up imaginary clues 1 iles a he vails in the hill hills this thia for about a month he ile baa has been in t the 1 10 asylum at provo from which in ution he was released relea ed a rhora time a apo go being wat spat there from salt lake city bis his mania at that time being to frighten fright eu women ti by I thi through l windows HIM hi ant 1 I waa tram manay manag r of Z C 31 1 I drug department |