Show ampa t tible country voad t business in the country towns of iowa low Is reported to be at a 1 standstill because of impassable th the mud niad Is 1 so deep that the bauld hauling of a load ot of any kind Is out of the question farmers can take nothing to town to sell and if they do manage to get to 1 the Poat office on bor horseback they bui bul little or nothing at the tores stores th the same state of affairs undoubtedly ex late in some parts at of illinois for a month or more every spring the coun try roads throughout the prairie state states an are almost useless and traffic of all kind must either be suspended entirely or carried on at a ruinous coit cost to vehicles and horses it would be interesting and instructive tb kaow know the eza exa t eum sum lost to the farmers nere and count country r y m merchants e of the western states every year for want of good roads it would be an amazing at sum running high into the millions the sum thus annually lost Is much great er than would be the annual charge which the building of good roads over these states would call for yet the farmere farmers and country dwellers generall ally show little interest in the good roads movement many ot at them are inclined to fight it rather than help it they are annually taxi evor enormous SUB sums for want of at good roal in the th t ape of wasted time lost or ties to get their crop crops to market and weir and tear on their andi animal mais but it i Is in indirect tax not easily compute computed in dollars and cents and hence ciany prefer to cling to the old mud roads rather than have to pay a few ew dollard of definite tax each year for solid high way ways this Is mistaken economy there can be no complete prosperity in rural districts where the roads are im passable tor for weeks every year while hilt such a community Is idly for the mud to dry the rest of the nation Is letting getting ahead of it fhe modern commercial system must run steadily and nd smoothly at all times la in order to div ive profitable results to stop this grut great machine with a luddens wrench and leave it idle for weeks at a time inus in us heavy loss a loss which takes the shape abere bad roads ore are the cause of smaller asi aller profits for the fanner lur fur me too merchant and tor for evry every body who works in the reglia so afflicted during the last ten years there wen 9 10 requests for citizenship in la swit switz erland of which 7 were granted |