Show n i v ' 4 - Cloudy Giilljr Tribune Telephones To call new pd editorial department of The Tribune dial For Information and sports scores dial Business advertising and circulation number 1 Salt Lake City and vicinity— Partly cloudy' Utah —Cloudy flur- -rte southeast partly cloudy elsewhere Idaho' and Nevada —Fair i Wyoming— Cloudy Weather map road data Page 18 Salt Lake City Utah — Thursday Morning — March IT 1955 — Copyright 1955 Vol 17d No 154 rm Kearns-Tribun- P Corporation e U aioxefs Sister-Stat-es Senator Says Foes ‘Want to Throw Us to Dinosaurs’ 4 1080 jh 1 : ft " 1 W j h By James Reston New York Times Writer WASHINGTON March 16 — The fabulous Yalta story By Associated Press A ' of Roosevelt Frime Minister Winston Churchill and Premier Josef Stalin tried to reorganize th® world in a week was finally made public Wednesday After several days of frantic international and national political maneuvering the documents on the 1945 Crimean Conference were suddenly released after Republican senators protested to the State Department that the New York Times had t documents copies of the General Conclusion Controversial Despite all the years of debate over what the Yalta documents would prove the general conclusion of men who had studied them was that they disclosed little that was new and would start more controversies than they settled The highlights of the 400000 word documents were as fol- how Eisenhower WASHINGTON March 16— President Dwight declared Wednesday that “of course the United States will use atomic weapons— against military targets— in event of war” Under the law the President alone must decide whether to D use such weapons “Now in any combat where these things can be used on By Frank Hewlett 4V i Documents Herald New Controversy IKE DECLARATION: War Would Force Urged by Price Five Cents Concession Demand for aim Basin Dams 1 President Franklin D Tribune Washington Bureau strictly military targets and for strictly military purposes” Eisen WASHINGTON March lower told a news conference "I see no reason why they shouldn’t be used just exactly citizens of Utah and as you would use a bullet or Wyoming appealed Wednesday anything else to the House Subcommittee on I believe the great question Irrigation and Reclamation for about these things comes when you begin to get into those speedy authorization of the areas where you cannot make Colorado River Storage Project lows: sure that you are operating session was highThe 1 The three leaders agreed merely against military targets on a Sen the disarmament of Gerfrom lighted by charge But with that one qualification Roosevelt and Stalin many C O’Mahoney Joseph I would say yes of course they it should be divided that urging at the opponents of the project would be used” five into separate states and (UP)— Russian Premier Josef that "they want to throw us to Eisenhower thus put Ws supChurchill arguing that It should Stalin the dinosaurs" port behind Secretary of State agreed at the Yalta two in be split John Foster Dulles Support in California to let the United conference and Churchill 2 Roosevelt It also featured a strong ut Assumes Use concesterritorial their based States establish air bases In terance by a California House sions to the USSR in the Far Siberia for use In bombing Dulles said Tuesday he asmember that at least the censumes tactical nuclear weapons East on the unanimous militral and northern parts of the such as small bombs and ar- Edward R Stettinius assistant fcecretary of Roosevelt Josef Stalin at right seems tary calculation of their mill Japan state supported the Upper ColoThe late President Franklin curious about proceedings The scene: Yalta tary leaders that it would take tillery projectiles would be State confers with President Franklin D rado Storage legislation D Roosevelt discussed tho to 18 after defeat months in Japan any major military employed Herbert F Smart member of the end of the European war question of Siberian bases with action anywhere in the world the Utah State Land Board and even with the help of the Red Stalin at a Yalta session Feb 8 He emphasized he was speakinj secretary of the Utah Wildlife of small weapons that could hi Army and the atomic bomb "He (Mr Roosevelt) hoped Federation declared there was Sense of Foreboding military targets with precision a noticeable decline in the opthat It would not be neceswithout endangering civilian 3 A sense of uneasiness and position of conservation groups sary actually to Invade tho New York Times Servlr areas foreboding about the Russians Japanese Islands and would to the Echo Park Dam This he WASHINGTON March 16 troubled the United States anc The tandem statements by attributed to an education prodo so only if absolutely Finnish —The the President the and embassy an- British delegations at Yalta secretary Tribune Washington Bureau declined to invoke for reasons gram of supplying these groups according to the State appeared designed to impress 'WASHINGTON March 16-- Sen which appear sufficient to them nounced Wednesday that the and ran through many of their the true facts records of the Department of owners the Finnish taker prepared policy papers but they Gets an Uneasy world and the ChiJohn Marshall Harlan is quite evident that the Aruba session “It V Watkins Arthur Endorse Project kerosene Jet based their decisions on the carrying seat on US Supreme Court nese Communists thafi "The Japanese had four miland Miles P Romney pendulum of responsibility for fuel to Communist China assumption that victory In the action is Groups which Mr Smart spe-military Any major lion men in their army and actions clavfce must escape enhave ordered the ship to pro- war and stability thereafter decifically listed as having likely to touch off atomic war- manager of the Utah’ Mining he control toward by intensive bombhoped by greater Colorado swing to dcfrsed the Upper the nearest ceed on bolding the wartime fare Senpended Assn testified before the be to able to destroy a its ing Congress This is portion of munist port project were the Arizona Game Such a war need not Inevitcoalition together Wednesand its Committee ate which Finance constitutional authority army and thus Japan Protective Assn Utah Wildlife Action by the Re-B- e Shipably involve- use of hydrogen 4 The Russians did hot ge save1 exAmerican lives" should from recalled be the FederaFederation Wyoming bombs capable pi mass destruc- day in support of changes in ping Company followed demanded " they everything out two atom turned As it branch ecutive ant Clubs tion of Sportsmen’s 'of the ship’s crew to Yalta They did not get the bombs the reciprocal trade agreements tion of vast areas commit-e- e told Mr brought Japan to her the directors of fish’ and game deRomney the kerosene to Commu- concessions they wanted in Tur- knees exist-ncarry the which relieve would Other Subjects that mineral exploration "is nist China The company inpartments of 11 western states key and Iran nor all the repaIn response to questions Eihardship on the state’sv "To many of us who have dying on the vine” in Utah the structed master to ship’s WASHINGTON mining industry March 16 senhower covered these addi"Mineral exploration activity wait instructions while it con rations they demanded from been a part of the conservation ” Sen Watkins proposed amend- s almost completely extinct In suited Far ' Eastern Enter- Germany but the documents movement of the west said Mr (UP)— The Senate Wednesday tional subjects: disclosed very little controversy — POLITICS The Republican ments to the bllLunder con- lelds where promise of investSmart "we are at a loss to approved the Ltd of iong Kong —indeed very little dlscusson nomiprises conwill which he said other be among strong sideration Party understand the motives of ment return and profit realize-io- n owners of the fcargo as to —over the demands made net rest on ability to meet both what it wished done with the for southern Sakhalinthey servationists opposing a proj nation of Judge John Marshall enough "to win with anybody things would give the Congress Kuthe to New an Harlan York of be on such a the of in the the ticket result than will rather metplace" president worthy ect which the competition of foreign kerosene riles and concessions in China See Page 2 Column 2 material gain to conservation associate justice of the Supreme in 1956 if it produces "fine pro- final say on whether recomHiss as Reporter grams for the benefit of all mendations of the US Tariff objectives and principles In Court Gifforc 1 5 See Page Column Commission on escape clause the former I 8" Alger Hiss t the best tradition of The roll call vote was 71 Pinchot the passage of the to 11 New York Timet Service investigations should be apsuteDepartraentoMicaiiater or Colorado River Storage Project rejected proved WASHINGTON March 1- 6for of convicted denyperjury The final vote came after a will mean the greatest good to Under Premier told Prcsi-eJosef Stalin official he had Proposal that passed ilng the greatest number for the day of debate In which Harlan’s D Franklin Roosevelt at Watkins bethe Under proposal opponents attacked him as longest period" Yalta Conference he ha that still would branch the executive associate an ing inexperienced ' Tears Into Critics in the documents as a reporter himself was a Zionist In princicontinue to negotiate the trade of internationalist groups and maker ple but that Soviet Jews had M G E Untermann director of “a product of Thomas E Dewey agreements and most of the EL PASO TEX March 16 Jencks an International rcpre-ra!rhwas josed ' a difficult problem for conference Yalta the Utah Field House of Natural and his political henchmen" rest of the reciprocal trade pro- (UP) — Harvey Matusow the sentatlve of the By Associated Press ' the into 4 11 llm tore Vernal Feb at Feb' IndependeM through His confirmation gives the History A cold air mass pushed its gram would be continued line has Communist who Mill and Smelter Workers with Dam Is one This of the many side-ighwhen the battle for Germany critics of Echo Park It is evident I believe" said Supreme Court its full nine way southeastward toward the Union the had of of which the much his climax was recanted the and its image of himself testimony reaching members for the first time since Atlantic Coast Wednesday Sen Watkins "that stockpiling sharp humor ' vhich to put Stalin documents False the bora 'attempted subcommittee in stitches sharp Testimony the death of Justice Robert H bringing lower temperatures is not accomplishing the pur- as a professional government his level of jefore that colleagues high “How much wilderness do the Jackson last October When heariatmosphere Matusow testlfed in the from pose it was intended to achieve witness Wednesday was senalong a front during the 1943 meeting as rewilderness people want" asked Harlan is sworn in it presum- southern New extending to North To thd extent that stockpiling tenced to three years In prison ng last week that he bad given time England vealed by the record- of th® alone Utah Roose"In President For example Mr Untermann false testimony about Jencks ably will clear the way for the era Alabama does Increase domestic price of or ‘ ' Court Federal of and Yalta Conference contempt national two velt the after are parks there riding through n the union man’s January 1954 court to decide how to carry Cold weather also continued lead and zinc it does serve as a ' adIt was the first legal action rial on a charge ho filed a areas of southern Russia devasnine national monuments in Hard Bargainer out the school segregation rul- over a wide area of the mid- magnet to foreign Imports In tated by the Nazis told Stalin dition to seven national for- ing handed down last May who false Matusow In affidavit that record skews akan against as the does general same much the way continent with temperatures and Churchill that he not only Stalin to have been a hard bap- ests Beside? we have hundreds with RelaLabor National the Harlan now a New York support program on agri- now says he lied in testimony wanted to divide Germany into of thousands of square miles federal circuit Judge was nomi- ranging from 10 to 15 above in price tocoxs-rinc- e cultural commodities In courts and before various tions Board while serving as five "or seven” parts but want gainer but one anxious Minnesota surand portions of of wilderness running around nated to the high bench by iresident of the Bayard NM fellow negotiators his states Only Escape Clause ed the Germans held down after that he was a man of his word loose outside these areas congressional committeesj ocal of the mine-miunion President Dwight D Eisenhow- rounding Fair weather but with tem“But whereas the American Follows Hearing Jencka was convicted and sen- the war to the living standard and a reasonable man It chows er last November The Senate National Calamity? lim arguing as one who claimed remaining cool pre- farmer can rely on Section 22 US' District Judge R E tenced to five years In prison of the Russians "If some of this wilderness however failed to act during peratures anc dominated in lead to the northern the an( limit session critiChurchill had homason to November somefeel responsible for Russian with imports the cited week who Though last Thomason work simultaneously to sppclal can be put doing censure western Intermountaln Region zinc industries have had only Matusow cized the President at the pre- - national interests before tha 'Matusow consider to on called for citing' of Instead for contempt being contempt useful thing R with some clouds and light snow the escape clause provision ground he had "schemed to de- refused Jencks a new trial See Page 10 Column 1 public opinion of his ccfuntry merely ornamental it should not charges against Sen Joseph In the south has branch 1 executive which the rather than as an exponent cl 2 feat Justice" and "deliberately See Page Column McCarthy world Communist rule or as on® this for shown contempt f ti n ruled by ideological goals the turnabout witness With the conference record at following a hearing Wednesday dieir disposal historians will ' told Thomason had Matusow 'W f presumably now be able to beforehand: "Wherever I go Clemvote even the weaker final than check the degree to Which Minister Prime Laborite 16 (UP)— LONDON March can live with' myself because A amendindicated runr compromise four-yeaPress AssocUttd In a their By in as London I have told the truth" regarded major Stalin’s asserted elms' at this Leftwing Laborite Aneurin ent Attlee rement Attlee to meeting actually coincide or do by opposed — unfortuan 17 LONDON at March The )lunder coming But the stocky Britain’s most vocal ning feud between the two men buke rather than oust Bevan for Bevan not coincide with the former Red— more lately an in- US government’s release of nate time One reason for the sought by Soviet tactics lagoals But the unexpectedly narrow his rebellion against Attlee’s th critic of the United States and vestor 'and author — said he secret documents from the war- British attitude is that publi- post-wa- r raised Attlee’s of missed f victory period margin approval by leadership cation of the talks could help of his own party’s leadership 17’ would post himself the $10000 dewas fu- only 14 votes Conference Yalta time the Difficult for to Frot’ea serious the h misgivings Russians from discourage kicked out of the Labor bond set by Tjioraason and ImSome MPs insisted the weak On the subject of ' Soviet talks” sentence plored by the Churchill govern- Joining In the Party’s ranks in Parliament ture mediately appeal motion to expel showing on the compromise proment and denounced In the Attlee’ spokes-maJews The office Stalin said that they preforeign Wednesday Placed to JaU a 141 posal amounted to a moral dewas was British to said a difficult problem II sented there Bevan by approved Thursday press "nothing the of fiery The expulsion Matusow was unable to raise Attlee for the A foreign office spokesman add to the statement made at referred to the effort to' e mutinous Bevan was a triumph to 112 vote on a show of hands feat the bond Immediately and was said the British government was the end of last week” At that tsblish a Jewish national horn and his rightwing party henchfor party leader and former of Laborite members of Parlia' placed Jn the El Paso County informed In advance of the US time the foreign office said i In Birobidzhan but indicated ment The majority was men JaiL lie predicted he would State raised a And It strong possiless than half what Attlee and Department’s Intention of considered publication of the that the effort had failed bei raise the bond within three or releasing the documents He documents Inadvisable now cause Jews stayed there for of the who punishment bility that his "shadow cabinet Chuckle Today’s four days and that "the money made it clear that the govern- within the lifetime of some o only two or three years an 1 forced the political showdown Bevan may go no farther Norwill not come from the Commu- ment considered the action un- the conference from the advance parin mally expulsion had counted participants then drifted off to ctbr cities i nist Party interThe housewife was desirable inter ty’s parliamentary group would Prime Minister Sir Winston He indicated his bili f tl Political strategists Before sentencing Matusow The Yalta story from Wash- Churchill is the only one of the Jew are naturally tt: i viewing a prospective cook preted the vote to mean that be followed by expulsion from and hours said he was "motivated to se- ington was given front page Yalta Big 3 still alive Roose- rather than farmers cr L--! in discussed of view They there remains considerable op- the party itself But cure Justice for someone I ba treatment In London morning velt died la 1915 and Stalin in trial workers days off and then the lady position within the party to At- the near split it i f I no longer newipapers The Conservative 1333 asked "What kind of wages tlee’s management of party af- was believed likely the party’s President Roosevelt I ' -wrongly accused i i do you expect?" bear false witness" The Daily Mirror which sup- at this point to say H v Daily Mall a strong supporter fairs The continued split It national executive committee "That will depend mum" was believed might cost the which meets next Wednesday Matusow of Churchill the of Thomason’s the Labor Party and op- Zionist and to ': if i ports government citing Jt "Do domestic the you ' replied for contempt grew out of a hear- declared: poses the Churchill govern- were cre £uh i's r Labor Party a victory in the may carry the action sgains 1 a was v he that a Zini peel or unfreeze?" line similar to Kicked out ing for a new trial for New “The US decision to publish ment took Welsh cos! 'Aneurin Bevsq the next general elections CM Era Parol' C ' BBEAKFAIT wt MM of British Labor Tarty ranks Mexico labor leader Clinton the reports on the Yalta talks Is that of the Daily Mail was miner no further Attlee’s position Actually 30 J’ long-secre- IB-Pro- minent Stalin Gave US Air Bases Offer all-da- y (D-Wy- o) Tanker Ordered To Neutral Port Utahns Testify for Move To Halt Mine Hardship neo-essar- y” (It-Uta- Senators Olceli Harlan for High Tribunal non-Con- v - re-fus- al ( g non-ferro- Stalin Brands Self Zionist j ‘In Principle’ ‘ long-stalle- d Cold Air Presses To Atlantic Chills Midwest Matusow Given JLnrcc If xears v nt For Ub Court Contempt Pcy er one-tim- e ts anti-Germ- an - st ll (R-Wi- s) d court-sentence- Laborites Oust Bevan by Narrow Vote Release 'of Secrets Disturbs Winnie Stirs Press Anger - dark-haire- d ’ '' top-lev- el ’ n 29-vo- half-and-ha- lf -- a-- sharp-tongue- d tii furmiws lot Silt oa 1 ff |