Show UTAH LEGIS legislature LAMURE aleth day merck 1 7 the tho bill was i introduced II 11 U 11 no M by b the be follow following tile amounts to various counties with fulch alrh to buy poison for the tb destruction of squirrels cambers and sod other small morgan I 1 xi nick W i summit Suma 1 va W patch f belter sevier MU 1110 vintah stadt 0 kaae haw fiso 1 billiard the hour passed the following tollow la bill bills II 11 it nu no 9 by als mars striking as ml the 11 from taxation franchise from the L ni states U 11 J it no SO amendment to section I 1 arlala acl 11 13 ot of th the cc con 11 sut ution lir lug to revenue and ml taxation by the insertion lort loa of the follow lan nit taj morace a grusi deed and all instruments by whatever called beaure the payment pay nimit ot of snooty upon land laud la in the state ball phalli be 11 prop pro property pirty arty irrespective of 0 where the owner ot at debt dett thereby secured rt lea but ur the 1 11 lure tureman may broide by bylaw low tor for the exemption 0 mortgages where here tu au it mortgages are r held on cis property bit that to I 1 at t if its 1 eash value it U D no so 11 31 byn by N L morris mon l r mewl of ot chattel mortgages athia within thirty aty days aate t b up tip ration of citone one year from data lafot of fil tian in g in I 1 teed of thirty da before tl the tion of 0 the year a it no 41 by an home by lt for the thorough in inspection ot of coal 4 ayar rt 11 q aal 4 t 0 atre infector In sector aholt Z cl roua per ear I 1 11 II alno ufo byll I 1 iolj nl Correct corrections lons to fix the tb salaries of 0 cm VM fit tore aad bad employee employees of the tte state prison n 11 vo 40 it by alsmann eitler cities touncle toun tle kb I 1 other subdivisions to lovest itin kice a bonds I 1 it it U no 9 outly bourd boards to As the amarles al arles ot of deputies dep bail sod as ei stants to county offices and dd out the arcovio taftt no deputy or assistant ul tut receive to frowd two aird of the thin by his hi principal i a afy a vote tol of it 11 to Ith elat p ased as ed the lh L ane bill inia relating to I 1 or unlawful th iloa of the bill are am as follows folio tion I 1 that section of the revised 1 statutes of uth utah IM be band aud the ta same ll 11 herby hereby amended tu to read aa follow follows every person who ho hk has reason to believe thit that a crime or public offense hu ben been muot laae i peron person before some om magistrate hatli baying su u horley to make inquiry of the ume same provided that bat no for adultery hu tx be commenced except on complaint of the husband or wife le or relative ot of the tt v itola till the brit bret legree tit of consanguinity or ot of the tb per parja with bom whom the unlawful act 1 in alleged to bit bays ba been committed or of the tb father or mothe said person sod no prosecution probe cution for unlawful mohib hadon shall to be commenced on com faint ct of the th wife if or plural wife alte of ibe the accused but beall not apply kopro 0 o under section ON of the th re to steed statutes ot of utah ISK defining ml and pan pun polygamous marriages 1 uy ty marth astl florsz A sitting com commett mitt consisting of alton clurmon aad anderson Ande rOB to inspect various bills and report on an them the hoe buneo having come to the conclusion that tila t it would be unab e to conclude if its labon with la in the itty sixty days lj 1 provided by law unless such a omm life wr w r appointed the principal princ lp of the jay day was r on the bl lot I 1 allowing illow allow inc elun title of a brat first and tuond second fig 1 to increase their lery levy aad sad the measure known a the poly guny bill till the friends of the latter measure to fore I 1 rote but fall as iia ane folio ing bills were passed II 11 11 no am a by anderson providing that the board cf t of the school tor for the dent bumb 1 may appoint tiro two per got on be principal aaita superintendent merw lively one meta now bold boldis both position loB II 11 it no printed print Fd by kelly giving county Com 1 to appolas or remove two member abers of 0 the county examining board tome to art with ith tb the county in exa examining minin ff t chers II 11 C N no 23 11 by amith the D A and M to the exposition and the main building ta the th city for or a lum sum not less 1 than S 10 S 8 U no 67 by lote lave that after the apportionment of ilia county bluem of the first ana an class must be paid their apportionment per capita before the county act set aside the amount ce cesary to pay abe ati rt of the county superintendent and other expenses II 11 11 no 10 1 by clarmon bord c lnita to cupply pupil pupils with note noto book pencils and paper la ad to 1 other supplied it 11 11 II to 10 by harmon by lowin lowing the state ot at public in Ot ruction to hi fix the time for teachers examine lion tion in the vart oue oun tle II 11 13 no 2 ft t by smith exempting froia froin taxation pr bell held by corporation under contaut 11 11 no 3 by asking bitimis demeanor tor for any person corporation arn 4 contractor abea any bay bounty county dr or municipal government to require er or contract with any ron to work orte more than eight hour hours per day on any public davk it U J it no 2 by lambert praying tor for the opening if f the chath reservation the fah wins bill bills were killed S it 11 N no 4 bi b alder providing for the appointment L it I 1 city vity marsti Bu gis lo 10 clue cities of the third dais class da is in of 0 election by the people II 11 Is U so no by anderson allowing the chairman of the hoardon loner toners uno per y yr r additional a for ac cc lag la 64 a ex eOP ner der ot at the she poor 11 II Is D io no tia tim by smith allovio Al lovin lowin cities catl to increase iB creAse mgt r tai tor for contingent expense from u a mills to I 1 sums IL it no wa by toy Us rmon tine I 1 xa adfor for ark prk priam on oil poultry but cue om hill wa was Jutro dud IL U ne by t baah iauco as 0 enich 00 0 o the ih present un lawn that 1 of Us first ad ul may tote fr for county abool an the tho event gatof of the th day to the senate wa the 1111 dis miscal af the nl eulon illson barns contest upon the of all the he members of the lection c ammitt two bahs were by w tollow follows h t B no by al at leon ison the 16 1 6 of the device kronn krown at a lh it lct plot catchim I 1 lathe la the date state and providing provi ling a penalty for ir the violation thereof berm S H no it P i sherman by request pro F li biting certain person f rain wearing certain loal l iam we w a providing spec alij for a of this ML act the ISIL of the loyl loyal lealoa Q A R volunteer Volu air medals fled tb the ty is into no 1100 to a 04 t two bill were tol town 1 S 8 it no tl 91 by alliso I dlag for forth tino 0 of fraud at t primary 9 13 io no by lawr leip loo for the ot of sad nd other efel cr core or agents for or over ot of 0 corporations ly day march 9 the th lionie 8 9 J 11 no 4 by i tot out suffrage without regard to gas 11 II UNO 00 bricf die buo 43 for or highways and nd widget bri 8 11 no IT 47 by ialyn authorizing the of certain school baad for tor government oTTom rat land lands 8 U D no ta M b by committee on am public 1 of state ft board ot of ld land commissioners from seven tta to fire five gad nd bling salary 1 ot of member members at t 11 1 aw pr per year r klerr of 0 secretary at t 1 too no IL n no ly by all U writings informally laor mUy made in booras noord of 0 county recorder prior to january IMI 1991 11 it U no by smith allowan Al lowIn cities of th be fini bret ale iw to llorea lar e their fx tax levy it S mill mille or but tery levy 2 igwe for or sidewalks ll wUi streets sewers ir bj a draing it 11 D no 11 51 by state and dd district bord boards to 0 o vt irrl nai a it U it U no IW by wells the board of education to increase it its tax levy 3 mill mills for or the th year 1901 but thereafter allowing alloi all increase of one ball ot of I 1 mill for or alt sit and building purposes pur poe II 11 D no 04 aj by providing tor for ft a nore more complete statement to bo be md made by orpo nalon 1 to the to tk board 0 1 1101 and ad defining 11 manner la in which alch rah cash value ot of stocks and od hoods my may be ascertained S 8 it no I 7 by allion legacies 11 1 in excess II 11 B no its by smith placing collection of taxes from rom car companies la to hands 0 of iff state bord board of equalization making tb the secretary of thebold the board the collector and nd allowing him a klary salary of VW tw per yer year for bli his wier services II 11 B no 13 by kelly inc resting the eat sty ry of tbs th tr embers of the state tt bord board of 0 equal tie luuloa lion fro a per year to HOO pw the secretary who ho 1 Is a amb r and has ha heretofore rewired received 1 additional to BOW now be paid 1 I 1 II 11 13 no V 5 by alton aito providing that here where property belonging belon dac t to two or more per son oa has h been rold sold tor for fie taxes either ot of the tb partie parties nry may redeem his hi Int erett by paying 1 6 pro portion sto amount of the tax cod costs 11 B no IBS by pae page Irro viding for or mmry administration of estate a no 11 II 1 la in galui and dd givanc entire esmati to our biving 11 wife husband or children if IL no by langton thit that no member of the board of pardons shall to I 1 disqualified ded by reason of a personal knowledge ct cf the fact facts to 1 toy case that may come betor before the board H B NA no IM by lington langton providing that where member ot of the board of pardons ii to at ab eni beni the vacancy may be filled by ing 11 in the secretary ee of 0 state ft or one ot of the bisti let judge alc tlc e following tollow lne bill bills passed tb the senate S B U no TS providenc tbt that district dit tritt judge i shall be paid actual traveling tra TeUng expenses ez penie of mileage S uno U IL no cresting 74 state board 0 of arbitha lion and nd conciliation 0 S 8 B no 0 amenold Amend lD fe 1000 to b bt eo I ted ti by sea ee refry of tate state S B no 75 n lating toabe sale of dite dise in 1 bulk S 9 B no ll to the levy of S PC ibi tax to refund taxes unlawfully collected and S B 8 no K M relating to judg judgment menu abts wd against county obber for unlawfully collected taic S 8 Is B no 23 establishing tete state school of eaton in state university S B 13 no clearing 87 a up 1 to statutes regarding ln civil 1 kui S D no 73 niina salaries of IUM lind land board at t 11 II odo OLA and nd the secretary lee a uhry salary at t it isoa 9 by unanimous content consent senator snoot soot introduced a bill extending the term of county her iff to too tour four thirty ninth ith DT day mirth march it 11 at the conclusion of ft three hour hours discus lloa sloe the lower house aou of the k lerl sture to ceased setae bill no ill known w P the polygamy ol jiny bill by a rote tot of 27 to IT 17 wila three members bint the debate covered a w de cis in to several nuances stances ti WM was beata ind and bitt cr ants was wt particularly true when V in florce referred to las half lassing of toe the flax beg OB 00 the city hu hall in halt 41 bako in the BO 90 is and insisted ai as did ther that the passage oath of the bill under consideration would be construed cont trued in 1 the ut east as an n dente of bd bad tilia faith en an the pert pan ot of the M mor or moo 00 people alton axton endeavored ende to let got in an a goof amendment adment providing that officer of tin Us Is tow be permitted to sweat to complaints ind lad glas 01 major offered an a amendment kmen dment excepting except lof from rom the operation opert loe ot of the bill persons who bad contracted ft a plural marriage 1 ioe 1891 1821 but both amendments men dment were toted voted down etc ollow lne atu btu were passed S B D no M by murdock relating to school tales S 8 B no sk W by y rave providing that ley levy for county school tax all not exceed 4 dill mills it D no MB IM by clarmon to ex er smi of teachers tec hn 11 II B 13 no 1 by clarmon tor for payment monthly ot of salary of county school it U B 13 no 1 by pace tiac it ill all emergency emer rency elue lie be rus yield immediately after their approval 1 by the bover nor aad 4 seat MB to the clerk clerks of the various counties coun tle S B no 65 10 by klel tint aw 00 for importing from rom germany bird birds called kohl Miel melwin sens whit which destroy toddling months and nd other insects which destroy it aielt tielt oft tree trees M Is no IA by keuy providing surveyors hh f alst assist recorder recorders in drawing draw lii pul plate of lands in counties coun tle 11 Is no lw by kelly providenc Provi dinc for extra gny tor for for or making mp 1 no 01 by carls relating to py par of 0 teacher teach erg ot of school tor for deaf deal and nd tolled blind 0 11 B NO N III by kely by mufit rean t on arini rieff te age disqualification from national Nt llon guard it 11 13 no by prodding that say ny llon elat against which a lul in men 1 for or tales Ille guilY ball bo be liable to the person who r v VS the tb ju diment II 11 B 0 no lie IM by laking each sebol uble liable tor for taxes 11 collected II 11 B 13 NO N by holzbey mer school districts to levy tac ti to so afta am Ille ulcey celly 11 it U D 11 ne NO D it n bortle rod road brand oa bunche sot esteg tu of r bon hota city or more la in u ata orto hroch through the th state ft it 11 U 11 no fig by punching by a ace of 0 tot no less ie thai has U tot not nor tha than my any pr per on ban who bo dock docks ur Us ot of a ton bores 11 U 11 no til fit by demith the th a of a welver lasta of an agder ts alg on appeal from juskets courts 8 S Is 11 no A tf by allison forth forthe of me boru ru I 1 a the class II 11 J M no t by atall I k lin 1 I 1 establish weal of S national soldiers 4 lorna on the cor gov romba reservation aw near salt als lakow city tty tte no follene toll tn baill bill were killed etli 1 by le lour house H U no M by clovell cinat via rid attorneys bo baia paid their actual t aveling expenses ipen instead of t nit allf leage 11 it U no 11 by adiian deputies ot of elective officers be 14 by sad ad with the torment of or the elty comell council II 11 ll U ho NO by anderson by request al lowing recession at order orders ot of adoption ot of ehll thil drou by pron persons adopting them 11 U 11 no by anderson by re quent providing that children cannot latoris property from fe ton pr parents other but can only secure it by devise or lecey legacy II 11 IL UNO no I 1 by phillips addina reservoirs to as lh hit list of pro property porty emps from union II 11 D no its by anto to encourage the manufacture et of potato starch ta in utah nil sad providing a bounty ot of I 1 real rn ft a pound II 11 H 1 no I 1 by homer hower by regnert pro that the olin of incorporation to apo full a k ot of say 07 corporation under tho the li laws of utah nuy way be amended by a vote of two thirds of the out standing loc flock stock U II 11 no 1 13 by tilt that harmless and incurable patie tit hill shall be b re to turid 10 ib abe w abdu beof I 1 came 00 upon doti ott 0 by bytho the authorities at 1 l the at ff a la lussko gium um 9 abo renste pm wa the th following 11 Is U ne no ID LID JO per wages ae from rom execution nodi iloa S 8 a no 1171 1 prohibiting rohi biting wearing of cantle 1 ln lali or medal by those not entitled to them S 4 13 UN no W providing 1 for or casing transient herds it A no 30 to duties of at dis district trIst s S 8 U B I 1 no as b dedd duties dull of county it tom it 1 6 14 no ee go 1140 1 to funding indebted teil do iu rr artith fortl th day to 11 novas the wre r bedl S 5 0 D no IT 87 by tamon arsu the pros elution of demise lull a for the death of children or wards killed by accident S 3 it no 11 by lawrence making it Is a felony to issue fraudulent or ahk stolk la in a tor act vocation 11 it U no 6 1 ian lode judges ad district attorneys kt as I 1 renu cents per rill mile oa on allway and dd llrena pr per mile oil 08 railways S U no 18 28 |