Show 0 ON RESERVE N BITE utah ewh I 1 quite an excitement was hero bere by the arrival sent erday of univa states batts in it pix ow james 31 clAughlin who I 1 Is 1 treat with the indiana indians for the opening of the uintah rener ration the know that there in hn n long pull and anti a strong one in that direction and are anxious to learn what can ho be aid said in favor of such a measure they are also aware aare of the fart fact thet that a strong effort Is 1 biting made to n m loie nune major 11 II P myton and place a new and mitu at the head aa an rent agent of reservation here at the proper time irwill be found that they have ame mme strong argument arguments to inthe caw that looke looks to them like pro L po poverty erty and they are well fled with prosperity ar mr calvert ettli crt has ha lien li en notified by the department that a BW new poet post gradei will noon tuko his place heir berth For acen year years lo lie 10 hm has the indian indians abd atil agents faithfully and ell and all are sorry to me him removed the indiana are especially loud in prat ing hini him aa as their tried and truo true friend them thero ia in no espial significance at t ta inched ahm to the app appearance earince of major laughlin ln here except that some change changes are bring being mado made and some big are bontem plated forthe for the benefit benefi tot of the indians and the large gilsonite depo deposit deposits sits of the gre the big irrigation Irrl gatio ditch near ouray across the white rh erand the improvements on the strip will also e due consider littion and somo plan will bo be evolved to fill tho schools to their capacity now chilt sickness among the pupil pupils has the post wat traders tore store at Du duchesne cheste e has tilts evaporated and the good goods are now at th theMe eMease aee emporium on the strip froin from academy notes kam in castle dale progress many valuable pres presente c ants haie been made to our library by arl fronds ads and patrons of the school more than floo of library have aon xon x on forthe of book a enst week a wt of enc t ilo lo 10 1 dla consist ingot twenty was wait bircham d for W this tilts wk our hearts have been mm clail by the tile receipt of at complete set 0 of t the national dictionary encyclopedia arm eted to tile academy by R W brockitt Croc kitt of price editor of the advocate the students and the faculty of the school cretu return rn to mr crocket crockett choir sincere thanks for this valuable alu able pre pres ent and promise him that the duit dust shall not accumulate on any of these book books sinco since mr vilberg Wl lberg presented the school with a ten alume set of en this latest present from mr ur crockett Is the most valuable our library ie Is assuming respectable rearte table therease there Ther eare are now vol emeson tha shelves we feel ery cry thankful to all who have slated la ili this work which with tho the help of our friends we hope will continue |