Show estle DALE MOM TH L 1 mr boron hansen jr will lae next week to join her husband la in 0 J X anderson left for price tuesday to accept a at tho the tore of 4 the library of tho aca ilem dem will give a danco dance in assembly ball hall next I 1 evening and J av W beely ned 01 aon und and X ta L jeffries were with the big live stock fellow fello a in a salt bait lake laet last week county surveyor cox ie Is over from hartington Hurt ington to sur e the new stretch of road on tho the bouch through kov kovoros ani other land representative harmon of emera county co thein t was as the only absent member of the le g then the first ret roll call on mouda dit get let there les ix L A bow and anti al aruid roll party was wn giren given last in coi narty 0 alle amu A 8 te b ball WI I 1 in to be given at 8 same place in the near futua o the no earold pon u ret rot erson w ho wa was ditc itc ilde I last bridia aled last week it alic injury in lurle then thonie re eti fl with it V tile aru ani lal noeline of th 11 i 1 it 11 i ton toti oot M 1 reir itAle minry ins on oil monday bonds th tho fol loing board of ill di rectors wait selected for tho the ensti lug ear 0 J harmon robt gordon kar IL A k a all 1 orson robbins and W WL gudmon we are plea wd to hatate that there is not a vase m of f 8 mail 11 P pox 0 x lu in almer un t I 1 a at t arcoe n dmn the T he last 1 a A sur ferem tho the hibbeat h hir rby beat a at huntington have been released rele abed from quarantine and their hous and effects disinfected dis infected mL even their dog claimed tho the attention of the quarantine officers A P johnson of as sl extant tant adjutant general gene rall of the 11 utah tab indian N ar runs of stake was in town mariday Mi rt iday talking king up tho the cew new reunion re rt union al 0 the th ns ais fiory so which kill will tx bt held in fui furon ron on the ath aad and ath of fearl debnan it Is s hoped to curo a largo attend ati erid at the annual gamt azof oe xam moth and voir company held in ili social h bull 11 aaa week the fol lorinc board of directors were chosen IL C miller iller carl seth alien allen J ja 1 and jasper P peter bon u the company to bo be in a bondi alon fifo 80 0 on n band jk pom what mailar bailar accident tin happened p in castio castle dale bale saturday afternoon n 0 0 n when mr peter Pet irson while e n r ing fei lo 10 bogut hocks h lippel lipp ped tl und jup f ell on boy wha ho was as running at hor ho r ide side causin a frae rr ture of bottno the little fellows left fg leff dr learson found that both bones of the boy boye leg were vre broken below the knee 1 ahe I he child Is Igge getting tUng along nice 17 tle The board of 0 coun commissioners nd tumia tuesday nith ith coin tit jensen enen and hansen pre present ent tho the meeting was to take some ae t on ii ran to emers Qi of imp tales on tile transitory locks flocks W 0 fe etling in thi this county some in the tbt par tho tile on which filch by otha r oun tift the amear ind 1 III t be in t of such counties count tc theol the hare of littich tale duc gollits th count fc |