Show ab tres from taj law ot at gravitation Kepler 1 laws the demonstrated theor emins ol 01 geometry the truth discovered by aela ere truths long befort they were discovered by men and will WAI remain true as ions long as the world stand stands their age la to nothing again 1 them rev george II 11 trever metho diet dist milwaukee ANIs la each and every church in this city would take in all today and tomorrow if 1 they could there li Is not 1 I minister but I 1 Is doing bla his level best beat to aae site all can it be possible that mortal man li 11 better than bis his god gad Is it true that man would save L I 1 it be he could and god can and won vl trev ter 31 crossley universal A 9 ind jaous our lord ard mast master er ed opposition all through ills ilia public life for for ite ile knew that no one can ba b true to himself and thi the larger life lite that nil fills the earnest tamest heart without social freedom this prompted hita to lov the social outcast ano am itt sit alth bubli cans and sinners rv dr drown brown methodist rew new orleans 1 ia N vie a cant have a great without having religion represented in a great way say it we go 90 on in new york as we have been erecting cheap churches chur cles and cot cat ly tn ta as a great in surface Lui tuSse and ireat great flat hous ps we lire are sayles that thit religion Is ot of minor importance to bustness bust blah op potter Episco episcopalian new york city |