Show 11 IN appropriations appropriation memo ponds mr move moar money as I 1 mosta to thai then II 11 L sod I 1 T in less president arthur vetoed ur the divor 1 and harbor r bill became because it arall arrie arr ll I 1 total of I 1 which ur the prel preal dint regarded aa as congress promptly ti passed tir the bill over his veto since that timo there ha has been an at rago of one river 1 kod and harbor bill 11 passed 4 very two years mr cle CD ong to become a law without III tur but bit no president bu has ear r tried since anc arthur a lime time to over ride the th will of 0 agrees la in the matter ot of uch such BPI p year after kr jer year ibo the totals have in crOt trotted ted until at t the begin alot of at ur tile twentieth century th the bouts of senta tives proposes pro pot to authorize an expenditure pend iture ot at COO for or river koj and harbor upward ot one n e third of w b ach will be available a ff the next bacal fiscal year and the remainder rm alader to be expended under the continuation contract etem |