Show teachers meeting the carton county teachers tej chere meeting will bo be held in price tuesday and wed december r leth and letb beginning at fit ij in the afternoon on the irth there will wilt by be a public lecture by outside talent the public are cordially invited to attend at tend the of teach er ers and epically ep cally the lec lectar tars e toe tile program as arranged ti Is a as follow follows taper 1 aper lw IW bowmen bowman discussion Ducu A L Freelia Free barer fer helen hell and battle kimball and mrs birin P look literature Liter sture la in the grille grades A C berry mande boam tu illume knight minerva ellis and J P F drius and atria alice pierce and current R enta i WD illey D illard arttie 0 1 tu t ad R and d roe jalkson mr mrs A L 1 1 bla rr r elliott milky 11 mr airs Bi linebe at bow maa man and ephraim coll alt cad 1 I r how pursued itow Uli cuil tour our 0 b by y ide lights on aun amt ciuta history Hit tory eleon he art 0 sudy hinsdale Hinau hins air and tome earls good work of fidlon with critical motto at last meeting there will be a general of school work proper incentives to study proper toper IP rewards of merit roll of bruor tc the program as above will be preceded by general business and a ball adelm meeting there arg ar to be T public bublic lectures at night by outside talents and to which be public goe rally are mot cordially invited |