Show pennsylvania wan UP 1 t GA d 10 14 allot 1 IKI I th sprigs St rigs ind the great strike ank of the 4 mine of 0 ilea irsyl vanla nil li eh ch brgan begali J b elided edn day iea the lusila I 1 delphis Jelp lila A I cad air coal A iro iron ti eom em pavy agreed 1 to sto abollah liall the allting seals ale in their reap etive ellve region and nil to in amo 10 per cent tho the advance to remain la in opera lion until april 1 tool 1901 or thereafter chis action eneris the ilcia auila of the Sort convention tile de was arrived rt at atter a confer fum between berre atzei atU ei of the individual cual coal curator operators anil and tha israe aa coal goal earring Dg this action VM was lb jh culmination of the lille nl iutin iut eting ln out u the th individual operator operators at be renton ollow follow inc itiC the anlue workers wove waven olion tion lu in the city gitt nearly all thol tb la in the eoal mat refton had 1 oust to tile cattle ine Tor lter wrestling an advance of 10 per cant I 1 lie ie baille enli in 1 th ahta de mangled allric wale lo 10 the tile lehigh and si districts be 41 11 1 dl ed th farr to n I 1 teed to april 1 1001 1901 and all other differences bo be submitted to arbitration the tile individual olera 0 tora alreed to everything and the tile appointment ot of a committee to induce laduce the he beadling adling anil in lehigh companies compa aira to a bullets tile mase lidin baale 1 make the aft ages in breake creake permanent permanents followed |