Show tilt is llano one of th live IIVO newspapers are of utah f it IN tilt til of joe 1 K 1 DICTIon ahl which occurred on monda il onda indiana loots wa one of her most brilli brilliant art politicians and anti able laffa lair en ere 31 axy dac I 1 N A attico ll 11 going to embark in the held field of lit carature cra ture it Is stated thit the he has hall lieen offered handsome prices to write for the lending leading magazines cirr 1 to n creamer A tolo nipan it li been formed with a capital of and work baa hu been commenced ou on the building buildings it will prove of great benefit to brigham cit WOULD IT NOT bo be a good plan for the republican of emery count to form clubs in every precinct pe tho tito territorial contention meet in ogden ou the of next month and clubs should bo be formed from which to elect select three delegates to attend allend the club convention see sea the 4 tall in another column MIMS ml ill 04 ZDA again bobbin bobbing up serenely in connection with the arld world e 6 fair hoard board of lad Mana lanager gere with whit hithe h lie ha hasteen been in a fight for sometime she I 1 now before the united slates treasury rj department with a winant win ant for ealar salar as secretary of the bo ird but the secretary det declines lines to pit a until the matter baa has beca been settled in the courts WHILE OTHER QUESTION s of ilu IM port 1 atice to the nation are being agitated we think that the subject of restricting foreign emigration needs attention all kinds and classes of people are dail flocking to the shores of america am rica and it Is an undisputed fact tha thai t a great per cent of em migrants are of an undesirable class of cit citizens izina the countries from which they came C are in III mau instances glad to get rid nd of them and as a it rule furna them free transportation across the atlantic during the month of may over oter sei seventeen enteen thou sand emigrant emigrants landed lauded at castle garden and it is abc safe to baa that of this number fully one half will be of no benefit to our countr anda and A large number will be a detriment to it criminals fleeing a from justice in european countries seek safety in the united states and as a consequence follow their old avocations here the law conid exclude all classes of people from all countries who could not furnish a passport from their own country and a certificate as to character from the officials of their countr country and admission admit sion into ani an part of the united states should be granted onla upon satis satisfactory factor papers 0 ONE 41 or OF THE moat most authentic sources of information concerning the condi tion v of the general business of the united states is 1111 R G duo dua co s weekly report which will be found published in another column in fact facts it te is an sta infallible index of our coultre coun tre trade taken and accepted the world compiled from the dally daily transactions of the business ond and agricultural districts and reported at tho the end of each week in their report of the instant we and the following in relation to our wool industries the woolen market in nt new york show shows improvement ind a larger demand by manufacturers in woolen goods thero there is a largo large alume of business and aud th the orders show that distinct gale in the le consuming de mand wand Is felt the orders for foreign goals arc are eald said to be 50 per cent less than A year ago but the domestic aade going I 1 I 1 I bear out the roubil owl ctr diio of protection and ind bindl cates M wriley I 1 bill to a dot vot TE sho shows ws lat the fondest hopes of ae iiii republic a pirty in up mar industries Indu and 01 gl giving A ring employment W intes A tbt that 18 bolf ho behig aing aud aj that in tha the near fat future are the wisdom of alic I policy licy liuo 11 coa br lir lilt american people think of if itt 1 fifty fill r cent ar our out foreign trade going to home hoine man inan ul Clur erS pit fifty ty per one halt eliof of the woolen boods IOL bolmut VIlt 11 I 1 its i abroad jiin spring t flint jat wo we nwan from homo a junr par ag ga THE tits SAU SAX boxes who Is s for his hi careless handling of tile english language deliver Il him linkel keif f of the following sensible it slight 13 in elegant language in speaking of the new party sub troula arc scheme eclie inc pin its ear can back and gaaso agn aeu it and it ie Is the wiest tiling thing in ibo the world to swallow grease it with bour our green grease I 1 mean that make makes thing things look right I 1 saw it fellow lie the other day talking about iho tile whisker business and anti bo he finif a curd card the adz size of an cm em dope elope on it 11 he lie hiti lit n big letters wll 0 N 0 G he ile held field it up and mid yott see thai that you eco see wrung wrong ou on it then he put a fit hie dollar e bill oer oi er it and held it up now ho a jou cant see it I 1 L ite we there but you cant tell it if tho the za baj it is with willi a heap of things put mone on it and anti it looks all right tur birolo aa enquirer hae has been scented 1 of not being a republican paper anti in to ite its deino bauc accusers users line has this to en at but when lilt union on of 0 lans cans and democrats wae was broken b bj tho the dissolution of hit thu people a it became newe neves isar for the ea quire to ta haic am e some definite nito ilio polle in n notional nit ional politics as it had had in n local anti to shape slink this the directors of the enquirer company met and decided by a majoria majo rit tote oc that iho the paper should henoc forth bo be we ea as that the wisely determined this because after thorough consideration the management and editorial staff were viere co convinced minced that republicanism was the best political faith for utah with and the iii party the one that they could bapst tio tic to for the tile futi re prosperity tj and freedom olour of our fair territory the enquirer is on the right track and anti notwithstanding tho tile fact the democrats cla cis in to be inthe in the anim now the lie great change working among the people of utah will place the tile republican party at the lead head of affaire tn in utah and anti with it talt enquirer anil and all loal lual republicans editor graham blind he ile can see ace the needs of utah and knows that her future depends upon the doctrine of republican pro protect lection im I 1 SENATOR STEWART ie 18 hammering the gold bugs in great shape aut aud has repeatedly challenged the anh anti silver men to a discuss discussion itin of bf the quo question stion 9 but can get no takers tak cre even senator jherman herman the ablest of the anti silver nen men declines to meet the western senator in a discussion and wellbor well for him that he docs does forthe for the result would be a waterloo for ishmail etwas it was our fortune to be present in we united states senate chamber at washington a year ago when senator stewart made his silver speech and it w wa certain a masterly effort geieg to tho ery pry bottom of 0 the tile question of 0 flus filanc fiu anc nott be ile dem dera that this country wa was in need of moie mote money that the ever increasing business of the country could not possibly be handled wilh the tho amount of money now in circulation that the amount of gold produced was inadequate bo to supply the coinage amand and that it would require the coinage of the entire american product of silver to supply tiia titis country with an in ample circulating medium lii la fact he be cornered the gold bugs absolutely on ever point next to a discussion of the tariff quest l by blaine and gladstone we wi i aid old like to listen to senator Senat bre stewart and sherman discuss tho the silver question III c very much tile lio matter will with tho the credit f a country countr fr whose bonds bearing hearing S 2 1 11 or r een e en I 1 per t wit jut interest par var v is I 1 0 tit that la is undo bame bapp condition just now standard ir IT HAS come not ita are sure it would the supreme aliz abil who IT rites edit dit fop fort tho the alt lake geraid then them under tile ogden liessi if it charges tho the no kirle lull bill with willi the audary stringency it we was the same lef fible bill that the wind standard dard lot of cops that are asto have been placa in this till cit tha pasi past few week weeks it was wait understood that ti cra ri luety nine men out of a liun Jred here wen were but strang strangely elj but hurcey nurel jr tho ilia re pubs are now popping up uin in refat great shape gootel ilia bugler doati do ati I 1 want to eco too politic in box elder count county too one sided brigham bugler THE tits othir do 1 n prominent gen of Bri brichant ghant cit wis asked tile question what the 11 brer L 1 1 ce between tho the nod lind rep I 1 i b ll 11 can parties this was ills its ente factora fai tor answer well ill tell ou on tito democrats lemo crata say aj two anil and two make four tito republicans come out anti vehemently li dc de clale clate I 1 dein dem he lie it takes three andone to inako make four Brig brigham harn bugler mckenley was foni ceel with tho the of ohio dur ing tho the last lost elect loi nd la in the face of shameful gerr gen mandt ing which JI aavo tho the democrats a tita lorati ot deou to otea iotes to n mo district he lie reduced the samo same to a majo majority rit of onla 30 1 if this could be done with great odda odds against him what a surprisingly larto majority will he not roll up liia ilia fall as candidate for go goi arnor of aw state enquirer during the first quart quarte erot last rear year tho the consular di of 0 chemnitz germany cx exported ported to the united states 51 worth wt of the textile fabric known as tricot flaring during the first quarter of thin this 3 ear the same district 9 2 45 worth of tricot to the unit uniel M states the mckinley 1 bill is Import importing fing the tricot Indu str V V Y 3 press protection brought down steel rails fron from 48 50 per ton in 1882 to 31 75 5 per ton in 1890 whitt Wh atgood good d did ld that do 00 ou well in 1682 1982 the average rate on ell oil he the railroads ral roade of the united states for carrying cae ton of freight night one mile wae was 1 cents in 1890 abo avenge 0 cents J press |