Show ado IKE IWO L 0 9 MD 4 ineva poll IC 1 41 CC honji war the of ir 1 T II 11 starts of ilan an aurit him a ind have been fulfilled to a atmark remarkable able degree to ro far in III the lh year of 1891 hi lid that the united state letts trot ps would bo be called into the field of battle in and that our covern merc would not cesia from train war for sevot yean and that iti ih the attar ear 1900 1100 we would bo be embroiled in a war with all the leading nations of the earth lie ile alio also predicted that tian thil this war ended there woold be no more use for the word award and bayonet ho ile further says that when the powen hare have subdued china tin swirls will be turned toward c cich teh other and a creat great destruction hall shall befall the nation all this he fathers gathers from he reading of at the tb I 1 f 0 I 1 1 r J 11 II storta revelations of the apostle joha john and says that we are very ele to the last laya days arldt origin n of f boston la Is now engaged in the at tempt to when the word lobeer was wa first to a man ai as a term of opprobrium now york had leen teen satisfied lor for two year years with the 1 I that the waa was first beard board on the guttenburg enburg track where ir was used to describe the quality of the harse fesh sh fiat that took part in the races there it was the particularly lad ind performance of one horse oj oi velch a croad of email small bettors hid taked staked all their earnings that led to the first use of the name by a dik busted part sport this exp of the borja baa has cener rily been ac so crested by everybody although more erudite dill theories bulled better to do particular Part cular case bave have recently nily leen forthcoming john adams la in lis argument in defense of at the british told ers erg on trial for murder because ct of complicity in the poston maim ere cre mentions the word lobster ai as 0 one me of the epithets applied by the citizens to the cold lerf the use of the vard lobster us as I 1 palled to a soldier has ban also been shown by a bostonian Doat onlan interested in the subject to have been found as tar far back as 1642 it not be tare fare that time in the face of at such learned lures fla Is atlon tion the guttenburg enburg race track hypothesis a seems to have email small chance of acceptant e from rich Ric fies fo to from the glare of the ballroom ballrooms candelabra to the tw twinkling inkling of stars upon aba deck dock of a man of war from the purring adulation of society tolle to ue bellowons bel lowin of tig mouthed cann cannon from the luxuries of a millionaire father ap a home to hardtack bard tack and black coffee from a practically d income to pay of 16 per month tuch such was the tran begun last S F ave week in chicago by samuel fritz nar narp the seventeen year old son ct of S U M nive nave one of the wealth wealthiest leRt bankers bau kera ard merchants in st joseph mo io when he took the oath required of those who allet in the united stated states navy the recruit then thea a guest at the great reat northern hotel chere he bad bid a suite was attired in ti tie e meat most fashionable raiment ore a bs bit diamond shirt stud and diamond rinia rini a ills ja anners wre w tte and to assure his hl sue ce in be as he to d 4 the re crul crusting tIng that he was 19 years ola lie ile sire gire hia right nime but tod no do one that he had left a mansion in missouri cot col lice lee retires colonel james G C lee LIM asato tant quartermaster quarter master general of the united states army and chief Quart ermas er of the department of the lakes for the post pt P t two years will be retired froal from active service thic week on account of having reacted the age ae limit and alx hi friends affert that mat 1 n has been done him bim in nut not granting a brigadier getter als co col 11 lee before his retire merit they thit this thin unjust injustice ice vas barked thirty pap o 0 when Co loneia loneis L dickston dIc ston and nore were adian advanced ced over him regardless of hie his sen loritt colonel loe will celebrate his sixty fourth birthday en on the day be Is re to tired end and ie is adverse to pu austing sting ble hl dalm for a generals pon erale commission comm lulon he has brilliant record in the army having sterl the volunteer 11 ev la 1262 1892 tod sloan hurt tod sloan the american jock y hid it frightful fall while riding lilly lang tram horse horw koluma inin in the race for the lt liverpool cup the horse a strong ivorite Nv was la in front at the time of the tl accident he ila went down with a crash with klosin under him he its rolled over tho the Jocker kicking furl bously duji the crowd crowds hi tu the tind stand n u ring r I 1 ts ig and in the padlock paddock were on their feet creaming screaming in an n ex x Ct element ement of borror horror bonea fainted hinted at the sctt le those nearest the of fie 08 acl cent rushed tu to sloan sioana aasta ta ve as quick 17 I 1 aa as oab ble the horse waa kicking furiously blonn kiy pros rate trite in a hs ug pool cf ot bloo I 1 when rca res riled from under wider tod h baoan n the struggling animal he rr anted an a awful tight light blood wat was ing f arora ila his head bead nose aal mouth one no car r waa was nearly eremi severed from bli his head one 0 0 ide aide of big hi head vlas bitter cd la in every cn thought he WM was dead lie ile still breathed bowcher and was carried to I 1 lord ord derby a carriage which wa was driven hurr edly clr to thi the adelpha hotel and half a dosen doctor doctors were immella tely um Toned to the jockeys aide side they ha h s injuries serious ter lous lul but not fital all who saw the accident and the furlou furious struggles of the horse as a it lay jay on sloans body marve marveled lel at his escape from in stant death C comptom fini t Wha ones position on the mertta merits of the one la ii something morally orally TH re reas amrin n the fact that the acceptance of mr rockefeller rockefellers s gift itt to We eiley leiley coles coless at its recent commencement was challenged by a portion of at the faculty of course no auch such issue would be ex reeled for example at chicago uril versify since questions of that fort tort vere ere settled in respect to that institution 1 at the start el ell lesley how ever especially in view ct of its pro bounced moral tone la Is a co college liege where a question as to the origin of endowments to would mould cem seem quita natural and the fact that it was raised though 1 without hindering the final acceptance of the gift 12 a wholesome rem i jer der that tho relation between endowments on the one n nani a nt and moral standards ind and In intellectual liberty on the other Is by no means Ig at that center A turee ri in tro neither the penniless due of man chester nor the rich and beautiful miss helna zimmerman of C nein natt will discuss the reported engagement of marriage marr lase between them their silence if Is generally taken to give assent to the story A formal announcement of the engagement Is expected in a short time miss zimmerman who Is the ter of eugene zimmerman of C cincinnati in in Is worth 1000 1 an and d it 1 13 ex pecked thai that she w U 11 eventually inherit e 0 of ten more from the estate of her father mr zimmei r r MIS HELENA mans nn alty siu y was a nade made as a railroad contractor and in and c aca a trolling treet street railway uhe ube explosion at camp lincoln there is 1 to be an I ahto ito the causse of that thit d dalr clr b be e ae at camp Lin lincon coit her hereby elcy t tk a a arul ery men viere er foully injured inbur ed and a num ter badly burnt it t be a learch inc ing and s bow blow ha 10 Is 10 directly recty ll an nad n 1 indirectly chicago T ibi ap cau rc r cn bation mile dane uter sister ln law ot 0 ahlers has big Pr tented his a i to the national library in parl paris a condition betas being that they hall not dot bi bs utilized aa ill 11 ll alter her death it ie Is bellr bell tod that they kill throw much libat on P french h political 11 ll 11 donne aad literary hr ills torr tory some are still old fashioned dough nough to par their debts evea even though tot compelled by law to do so purvia purvis t 1 co bankers of failed in lies 1108 and stud their cot got but little co bankers of pi pl advertise their desire to pay all claims against the long defunct firm saving these are debts of honor and will a paid regardless of at bank bankrupt ruilt lawf or statute ta tuc 1 of purtie puttie cc of 1913 were x ere ra cdon aal aad utter ct cl toe the William williamsport sport can cm italy t aft eav the new queen of italy formerly prince princess helena of montenegro Is I 1 con ll cred one of the mot most beautiful worn WOM en a of curole bhe she Is in treat great con trait with her huband husband being nearly til six feet till tall she li Is healthy anil and robust and partly for that reason vat wa ie se e ot led e d for the king 1 ng thy were married marr r ae d 0 oel c L 18 no children bare have been bom born to them the prince snarr Iod reluctantly as a b feared he be might become the father of in imbecile etile which by some fatality la Is acm tk rn every obury matury to the house of 0 baroy the princess 1 la Is a lorer lover ot at outdoor sports port and caeli la in shoot arx hantin aad and tiding for an amateur ahe she Is 1 an excell musician inui lelan playing playful the mandolla mandolin and IP 40 10 J OREN OP ITALY lano hll she engligh trench krench german gei nun and italian and nd la Is a R clever alvr arttelt ahe she 13 1 abw aa it creat great lover 1 at 0 literature 2 the end eric ats hardest blow balu L 60 doer cadee in souta africa came last welk hen gen grit nelio surre men irta the hind hinds of the british the fol tot owing rero aero t of the acair affair lust just arrado to tho the british office b by lord Rot roberts erts te ft Is 13 the pathetic stoy loy la III detail on JulyS SMie danild foight a rear piard guard action w with I 1 t it the enemy tron from early morn inc until dark nine miles outside ot at in n the deth beth chem clain hi bl Is re au su tins ling in hia big effect ally Is bo a nek tick to gen Prine ri loo the doer wagons hunter reports that the enemy twice checked his a advance by holding strong positions on two NO neb one ot I 1 which wui wi taken before da dark rk by the scot the royal irish the U wiltshire 1 nd ad the leinster regiments our cu casu aties were only five or alx six the see ond nek was taken during the fight ty tr the scots and guarda without ep ap position the enemy retiring closely to ln the prisoners prito nera taken stated that 1500 1200 burgher burghers would surrender it if guaranteed that thy th y would be treated U prisoners of war and not as rebels reb elsi 1 to this I 1 had assented As a or these operations commanding the do DOTS dors rs asked under a flag lag 0 truce a four days armistice for or P scace ace ll hunter unter replied tho the only termes fe to would accept were aur sur render and until these were comp led with hostilities could not cease cear tip ci reseed pressed my approval and told hunn cr or on no account to enter into nea 0 tia tlona As I 1 am writing a teler telegram tel efram ram has come from frono hunter gabin that had written a second letter expressing p CI g Illi agness to band land over olm I 1 himself e w with i th his men rines ammunition and other firearms upon condition that the horses saddles Bad dies bridles and other possessions of the burghers burg bers be guaranteed then them and they be tree free to return to their homes 1 I 1 have bare replied that the surrender must be absolutely unconditional that all rifles ammunition horses and ether other 8 must b given up and vat V at the burS burghers bers will bo considered mpr boners of war I 1 added that thit 11 a overtures will not be allowed in any way war to interfere wita with operation which must be to continued until the enemy is debited deoit ed cr ct baa surrendered rendered aur A later dispatch dl patch from general central ito rob erta erts announced the tha ar render ot of arla ko too with 5 docca fa corf american ci girl rl Prin louise ductless of argyll lis taken a greit ff eit fancy tor for her new Awe american rican alece stat lawrence Lawren ct of ne ew york who a X lew tew months ago cl run dos a as cadell only illy iron ct of lord 0 matter Cemp camptell tell bother oiher of the idea nt oake duke ft of A gyll til th the duchess has just biren given f ft practical form k A aws c ci to be ag A yg affection for the mrs rs campbell Caus t f lr ir amerlean by at the disposal of th the youns yount coupe 1111 katrine an exceedingly patty pace 1 li microbes Mic robes dr charles E page created quite a stua situation tion al at the washington canyon lloa of at dot doktors tors by coming catalog to the efen of the ml mi crobo lie held that a healthy body generates gen crates its own ani and that the microbe in such I 1 a bair stands about 23 good a chanc chand 0 of solas doing mischief as a mou 0 in a fa t tight ith room sur dr page figs rounded by a dozea dozen cat catl sir charlee charles tut er ot of canida canada relates c of hi his father wis was a baptist cler fajman that by the time ule ho he was aa years old h 1 had bid rod read the entire in eight hatm ra tho law tw farent in 1 ten doubtless minister wu ii Is ae 1 7 r motu 4 tl ever the Bit b but u t b e I 1 firmly committed to tb the policy of ct cainne |