Show UTAH STATE the tile creamery at lehl to I 1 handling bindl loi some of ox gallon ff allons of milk per day 1 salt lake I 1 erbee erb ge clemat ry was vr destroyed dee troyed b by fire lent lat neck felt ti tile lofte to hie tile illy city mag twing about it 0 we 11 ll i tl if capitalist an are figurine on 00 ao an e light plant there to ix be put up at a colt of will have v grand celebration i ou on july sh dr carl maeser will III deliver the addre address the convention for the sixth judicial district will be held 1 lu in 1 I 1 odthe alie war ar department ha allowed items of stilt tat lo 10 and 64 vi oa on account of wall alie exclia neof through registered riler ft mail pouches between milford and salt lake city has lia bera brets I 1 iuler ully 4 tourists to urit liaro have arrived in 1 deurer tile int past arele lh cho major portion pt of choin held ll 11 ibets for at ulal viah point f h 1 me itar 1 irl rl ot ut it t v VH tv ilaa all sits rw re in turi had len been to yet from utah and 1 earr county line lia ent sent la in a claim to state att audit auditor ta bards for 10 halt of tl t e amount of bounly tor for kill log squirrels for tin tia three conlis ending june articles Artl cica of incorporation lure have been filed with the sec cc tary of state by the bunnion Oun nion tilson coop co op organized to COD jnet a general artner merchandise business bul nea with a capital of in ili sharel hare forty fire head of horses vere old sold at castle kuck recently at an eltray aale sale the turn reccI received ved for tie tit entire bunch behnle ida I 1 tie he anlin animals als werts old sold at from froin 25 cent cents to per head A big naphtha launch ha been in stalled tal leil on utah lake for the pu purpose of carrying passengers und tho the tera of the enterprise ari of the tile opinion it will prove aue the first crop of 0 this beasom u a utah fourr boor Is on the Tn market arket it ii Is said to belletter beI beaetter be better Letter th ahn to that of former year years sv and the indications are that ilia aup ply will be more abundant than here tolore lieutenant lille hite who bo Is in corn com mand at lit fort a douglas as ha received to prepare the troops onder under ili his chate for the tu toChI llila BIL it i Is probable they hey will depart for the orient within a in oatlie a time the three of in 10 bronic bronze the tile indian the trapper and the pioneer group to be placed ath with the louner monument hare have arrived a from new sew A ork they will be put in place on pioneer aay wilham am harper and wife id ida liar illar per a with the tile murder of the two lennens len I 1 enney of ha hanoh have been et effree free the authorities having havin decided d there was not evidence enough against them to bold them for trial gordon carter a to 10 year old it lake boa a while climbing clim blog a tree fell to the aroun 1 fulling falling on a sharp etick stick which penetrated hi his leg jut just above the knee joint and broke off the little fellow was almost dead from low of blood when but with ith proper nursing will recover wool deal wa was closed up last week evl 1 en n a boston firm tied up ow pounds or al blout clat thirty three carloads the filers sellers biging ai as bollons deseret live stock company SS pounds clip hatch alro A agan lip IMO oder koder wa u A hates vates OW robbins lio liUn bros kalembra of the utah batteries hare have u I 1 to give a representation of the b balak ot f Mat mattias at calmer calder a park belt salt lake city on july mil and it will III bes be tate state day baying atin been made the th railroad to brini bring people fram all parts farts of 0 the tile tate state at reduced jolin john schwartz a prisoner in the salt late la L bojt y jail jill died on canes amy night lu in the padded cell where he had been placed while suffering from losa olty by alcoholism 1 bad had been arrested arrea tedon on a arlin inal charge and it la Is suppo tied the sudden of the ube af seimu laota ased 1 bi bit drath I 1 or jurors and witness le for the quarter ended june warrants war ranta were linued by the tile ale auditor aa as follow follows cleber eber county 11 ll 10 ae vier otah IVY 60 box I 1 elder ider got wayne basi pete lam som talt wit MI 23 the school census of lehl jat just completed how shows a school population bt bi 1012 of these are ar bot boys and are aroff girls tria them these figures how show an la in crease ol 01 4 over lal last year enough to all 1111 another room and employ ano her teacher john J davis and martin faster bere rere ere ina ID a erdein while work toe ing tn to a gravel ati in salt lake city and coffee covered with foar four fitt feet of lift dirt roster escaped rith with light lui luburic urle bat but dar waa was severely 1 and may way not survive 1 the hock shock james kerrill Ker lill 1 who vella vaa V aa for or many ears foreman ot 0 the ontario mint at parit city and havlain 1 the th reputation belne being one ono of the bet best miner allne arx that ever came carne to this section of the conn roun iry Is U dead after a linge dog illness roga 01 a iaac |