Show washington letter ft oar out regular correspondent chere bere is a cant feit disposition on the part ct et awe wild eyed ej cd gentlemen who haw have been for 0 jo o these a mana baking making mankes of them selves by bj yelling tiling at all 11 II times and all orta sorts of ot placeS Iacoe that the let of jul 1891 would lim the united states treasury bankrupt to change their tune tone the washington correspondent atif 6 tha york herald aylo ba has led 1 the gria arwil il chow of 0 lamity wallers ov sacs MJ the i in not bankrupt anat UK ue tile skill and cou courage ragis of Secre secretary tarr roster will probable pro babij save it from bankrupt 4 thi this nalie naive admission admi from the man who has been loudest in this prediction of haa it u cauin 4 no little a ben where any one wh wb bad had the brains aud and who cared to ms meic le W ne cesry imi migi ital ST L oar a time bave have himself from the official figures that thele vaa WAS oot not tho the slightest dinger danger of any thing even approaching nation national bankruptcy readers of this corre po need not bertolf be told this as it has been abated and restated therein S treasury Is all right so 0 o aa a long as it is 13 or contal |