Show archery in 1 city s st 1 t the military y students etu Jents ot of tung chou china are a nuisance they have a way of 0 using one of at the main in the city as a convenient pot vat for or practicing archery and vo we bare have been repeatedly obliged to e edge dge up to the extreme ot at the footpath to avoid eccentric nights ot of a arrow characteristically it never oc curg curto to them to suspend operation for or other others safety or convenience and minor accidents inlet not be uncommon A lad al a brought to the has hospital the other day who had bad been truck struck by an arrow just below the th e eye as le was rs niort the highway he ff a not 0 badly hurt and probably v regarded his injury wary ak at incidental to the ordinary risks ot of travel on city st street rests a hl herald |