Show SHORT STORIES or dr fisher of clear amk visited dr fisk alk monday frank carroll of cristle dale wr was hero her sunday oo 00 bador business S N X morris of the lb price and nj vernal flagel line return pil lait last week from his ranch in to idego brial linx oine some fighte n bead of borres to bo be OW oa on use tb line dr FIA remo ital st clAp currry irry tone stone from the car of biats 4 I 1 arlinr bill ie Is boy buys moo mou the chit I 1 ha be I 1 put in to if its ear r while with ath borne wine mothr r ditl little ie children ind ag R nt lot mylon myton let left iacre queed y with about IS wi under military ecock mrs to bithe the indian lie gamm gt am I 1 on y ao aul royalties royal tl from front the lease of the ra U yen mining com polly the italian POT of CA cattle aate will have allne lay stay o of ti tie 9 fourth of july next week A feature of the cerebral cele bral ion wiil will bo be muda it y the bowl orrs nihed bail bead of thirty five J U H expert watfa maker and repairer silt salt lake city all work guaranteed or money refunded C JM worth price arent leave your watches aad jewelry for repair at wortha tf barber hop shop ane raven alining mining company b ie opened ap up another the fecund wine in to the left hand fork of iudin indian canyon and are cow now working all told twelve men they bare have about aw tool tons of ore on the damp dump for shipment la in the near facture president box cr er of the bt bl lonie louis oil boutte company left lor for home last night after a trip oat out to the mines US U says y the output will be materially in crisand this ammer tb thre re bring a growing demand f r gilsonite an I 1 kin 1 red minerals price democrats luet iner liet last tuesday evening aa and clotel delegates to the county convention to naino name a candidate for superintendent of c county schools they are P I 1 olson thomas finger aid L 0 Hoffus ll san albert bryner and C W allred iliff ot of silt lake lako preached here luet lost sa sou u iry lay afternoon to a largo audience dr iliff is a forcible talker and his sermon wae was greatly aplin elved el ved by those in attendance attend nce he wa accoe pied pled by oliver and bia his broth tr of dalt salt lake mu ML 4 helen B bell republican nominee for county abool superintendent of schools ec hooLi was in price yester day and made the advocate at call while here amiss 1 bell made many friend friends who will no doubt thad stand by her in the coming election judge jacob Johi mits and county clerk howard were at t caille gate a couple bt int evening this week where about aboul sixty persons were granted ci i zenshin at papers tb y were for the mutt most part italians who could not ly IV get away from their work to come to pi ice chart a bold bera J C weter weeter james W S B ferri penis of bait balt lake city and the fitter of 0 the great moral and wen were oat out dabluk aboa colton lt the leys days amounted toa to on or m of the speckled beauties the average id uly were email small two members of the detachment of tirs who were cau pel here bm for 9 v erl eral do day baiting awaiting rai ting tha arrival 11 cf of ludian italian agent mythin from front ball bali lake city became la in a qui arrel l tu bandry ady and ha I 1 it not boen for the inter vent antion lots of other lu embere of the dr dt tach ment a hot time would hav ensued boch tho tb b drew their revolvers one of them wai welt taken in cust custody odly by officer dater and wa was fined va av by J a ig hoi hot aay laway |