Show PERSONAL mccune la is li emery county this abi week T D 11 CCArthy if home burns from ball salt lake sk city MIL 11 it U visit at Spring springville ville paul 1 ad down frota castlo ut sunday stio brills S hi larj of colu Ct lU war wis berr herr sunday Ba uly dr fisk went lu castle gate il tuesday I 1 J C r ia hero I 1 tb h la it week fr trim m salt ik I k city mr slip cirr cullu oat at week it 11 lori fort II 11 ormea ir re ao un il d tyrie aulm 1 hilin lu to lost 1 mu oat un on the tb araugo fur awyer til days ill tic Is is I 1 mt amk oa on 11 bu mrs L it olson aruta ill ili lake uty lity MIH MIA va L itta with he 0 clr laar a it I 1 helper per li met wo atric it J II 11 U of fort bus went liero here lawlor nr for alt lk 00 if t a utoria XV bi 11 is jiin ct I huud fm flint HI 81 U wilbia tb few days aliel aa 1 bb rt 14 sIgned big pal lion at t the depot and 1 bas b cobio lo 10 udit salt lake cit W aUro brof il 11 borne home from N Ilwain kee shunt the tint first of tho suo alb lion orange calain la from and left today for caitie cat dale john forrester For recter to i bere from tim lire are pretty good up that yay says y mr rwjr tr 1 men V 1 l P of ef in 1 anid aal d by me 11 arpen ter a 2 lt r le la lay shopping duag Johno johnollo loo of 0 tilo baad maad 1 we w here an n I 1 made th advocate an n appreciated cull call bert frh 11 I 1 i is t i a trip down own east ibis summer uni iner anti na v wa dip him bi too tooti teles lr in atlantic bribe dr bracken war wait bere here the other day ua 00 his bi way from bingham to bobil his rauch io in abu mile country count rr charley in i thin week wt ek froin mantl locking after bla bl business inturff nt at this end of the llo ditroi it U M carey it 1 going inin salt ako city within the next few duri days to buy more new furnishings far for the lb hotel ROW clarko clarke beorn brandon wa was over irom from challe dart saturday A great people from there be he says y will come here on the fourth A ballinger anil and family with mome friends fric ni tire re to take to the hill hills after abo fourth for an online and catu plug amrit don R coray curay hae has her school at let HSI felper abil 01 I 1 haa has gone to suit salt lake city tah where s she be will probably teach the coining year jody jacob jamb johnson went over to cantie dl dale sunday by convey a ri ad d where be the convened con renil district court monday A 17 crocket crockett of I 1 L T r 0 other of the boy bay at i he advocate 0 M rp la is coining to prica price abent the first of july md will make her home at tb th a puce Pred Preel dent baxter B ater of the bt loci louis gil oll bonite company was her here awl and went oat out to the mines coln e v Y bere bore be will be the iea of bli ble corpora a E E branch Branc hof of wellington wae hero Tuda anday yand and dropped in on the moral and mind religion religious the health of that h sam aya in good baying dg is I 1 progressing finely ted olson of enry emery wa wits in town ye yes erda loading oat out merchandise merc bodle for bh him tore he MV ART there in to bat but one came of mall small pax riz I 1 ia abis bt section and that one ont out elds 1 bf of the town reports to the th contrary W 8 leial special agent of the thes cm C m wo insurance loe orance company of hartford conn at price by R W skelt cam CAMA in 30 today frim from th the north ant lie find finds rood good crop crops plenty pley of work for everybody an I 1 prosperity on all alebande hands bande the advocate has b a sample 1 of the brick being burned here by E A jonn of catle castle dale on exhibition which we belette will compare favo favorably raLly with any brick in the state of utah ar jone jones rill will barn bum in to the neighborhood of a bait half brick here this season the moat most of which will go into the new MIT bonse house contract aud and the build ng to be erected by the emery county alerman U tile company the ale capacity odthe of th kiln kilo located bortl of town and above the ditch la is at present something like 30 wit a week but this cn can be increased as a the demand houm should rt quire it ie it aa an indus try that ought to be raged in every way possible poe eible bile bids for ili the new fatool ool house hoa will b opened on the I 1 lib of july ithen tle the contract will be awarded preference will be riven given each such contractor contractors no will employ boine bome later and home materials rt rate eril rials toe too advocate know knows of ono one price aice firm that will tusks it hig forthe for the on beide teide bidders |