Show UTAH STATE NEWS there were four our cloudy days during the month of manh march A veritable blizzard truck struck vernal on the 3rd ard brio bria cing gling joy oy to tho the farmer farmers who have been wa shing for rain Sheep men of 0 ore Dge ille declare that unless they receive is 18 cent cents for thel r wool they will build and unit hold it indefinitely governor 11 has t appointed awen ty nine to tl e international mining con grest which meet meets in 10 mil III JUD june 10 19 to 21 2 the three monteil drouth in san sanpete pets chanty lias bi axen ell broken by a tre rain 1 and the tile spirits parl of the tile farmer farmers are cou consequently bright br flit ned I 1 ort orta eight tight carloads cur loads of cattle were hipped a front an I 1 th richfield lat last reek week being off tl ti to runge ranges of the tile southern part pact of the state fifteen thousand trout vere planted in erier county extending along the foothills of cove mountain during the past wiek the first carload of u kutub wool ocil of tl tj e alamon allirae I 1 from salt balc to 1 lao lukl t vivien wv llie tile shipment be tig anu small 11 chils obtained at north bull salt I 1 lalie alte four hundred ri of the ger inutile ani nir lter are out on a strike for an a increase la in n iff I 1 he lie men declare they can not lire live on II 11 a nagee swages being paid the seventh anth annual metting of tile utah dairymen a e association we was held in salt lake lily lity lat last thursday and I 1 rt lay a large of delegates froni from all parte parts of the tate state being bein in et at teDd Antt stile stale surer chipman 11 a report for the month of march drw Balan ceon hand march I 1 24 2 37 54 S receipts 47 expenditures 41 at 82 oo 00 liand hand march 31 1233 48 taj tbd latest sensation in is 1 the tile discovery of a case of smallpox in Ort enville the entire community ban has leen expose I 1 by visiting the patient before it waa was known he na was afflicted with a it contagious contagions disease interest in the case of Iler hermans macs the salt lae lale minister tho who Is accused of harlo having cremate cre matel the bodies of two young women la in the tile furnace of ills his church hasteen lia been revived toy ablat statement ement wade made by a former member of his con gregariou gre grega gallou tiou that she the is aw him in salt I 1 ake one ditl da loft week governor ilelle has appointed the follow nig delegates to the trans mie mis congress at houston tex april 1711 17 11 l ceorge romney FL IN 1 iliou george Q cannon it B IN jilt temore 0 J billsbury balls bury john 1 11 ll arnts J R miller T it cutler joseph and swen 0 kelson nelson the report to the stockholder ei a by the management of the Z L C I 1 at bait salt lake show shows that during the p year in the manufacturing department between and IS 15 garments hare have heen been made and 70 6 pairs of shoes turned out thee these department departments employing people the other departments department na the tito year years ales sales amounted to 3 47 about wo more than the previous pr erious year A report comes from brown a park ot a shooting in which tames mcknight a ranchman of that lection was fatally wounded by IN III harris who claimed to be a deputy with a warrant for mcknight McKnig hie a arrest but full particular lars are unobtainable provo his another sensation dr I 1 smart of and the wife of dr Ila nuberg of provo have been arrested on a charge af being unduly intimate both partle protest in innocence and decla at matters will be cleared up at the preliminary examination gunnison Gunn lson island in great salt li e is rn interesting place to owing to the ma reads of sea fowls that borer hover around the lake take shore at are being made to take a number of excursion parties to the wand the coming u fish commissioner sharp planted 12 I 1 OCO fish in stama tributary to utah lake take latt r eek another bate hatchery berr full will III be brought froni the government station and planted in other streams of the state as soon as arrangements can be made the formal transfer of the property of the deseret telegraph company to tile Il western estern union company occurred last week by this transfer the western union acquires quires sc miles of wire with the fixtures and electrical apparatus in forty two offices the 2 year old daughter of calef chief of police hilton of rait lak lake city was fatally burned playing near a bonfire with a number of other little ones in endeavoring to too extinguish the lames flames mrs allton was severely burned there are nine smallpox in the salt balt lake pest honse house all of whom are on the road to recovery the board ct of health report that the disease Is quitting donn and do not anticipate that another case will originate natt in the capital city the young man gibbons wl alo 0 was wu killed wiled in arizona by robbers recently waa was a cousin of ex sheriff of ogden andrew gibbons the father of the boy was one of the pioneer pioneers of utah and said tu ta be the first man who engaged in a firming farming la in salt lake city |