Show NOTES ceorge AVe webar bater wa was hanged at konc kant ll last 11 I 1 for the murder of mew mr ashland snow to the ilia depth of four lu lut hea fell at th chuno uno friday night thia u nil III greatly the ranee ranges which are art astilla lly la in need of moisture urt bert mcdonald of new now york and jk jaek wade iule of california will fight wi aty fir gounde at I 1 ok ock spring springs on april idour in for a purse purel the winner to take the entile pune thame c who anoh declare that within the in truckee rocket 1 I tiou county nty nevada will litre hare ben been felled but tit the lumber companies comp sole an are not riot worrying norry lug ovir that fact lly ily the premature exi ex loulou of sixt slit of dynamite fire workmen wor kmeil were hurried larded under a mass ma of broken rock at t ix kane coo one dead body iva was taken from the dt bri brim and four wounded inen e rei taken to the hospital ilia 1 I tie senate committee on military affairs haa has made it favorable faTo rable report on an 1 the tile warren bill citing giving travel pay to member members of the torrey who were at home busick on ick leave 1 when the regiment waa out H ax x alderman charles joy of lead atile iss hot shot anil and fatally wounded by lit aa the i oman artye her line huband who wee was intoxicated drew abuts aguts and waa was bout about to ire fire at her when she he picked up a revolver and fired three shots at him one of which penetrated the toi another effort haa has been made 1 to save the life of jick jack dailo the most noted criminal of tho the north wet west who bo four yen year sago Itis charged killed two sheepherders la in castinis Cas tifis 1 county idaho an application has been made for A writ of halwas habeas corpus a tho the initial tep step toward taking the ease case to the united state states supreme au court heere heare tary tiery hitchcock haa fiat granted the request of senator mondell ni u i behalf of the men of uIrt herts 1 and will permit labeeb adeep to craze graze up in a portion of 1 I tho the wg ig horn born timber reservation ion it is believed bell ered that similar concessions concen 1 will be made sheep men of wearn IN routing bining and eastern utah regarding the uintah timber re serve mr and lira mra paul FI Fl emrey emerey an aired alred couple of cheyenne Chey cune ledi while both were intoxicated and when hen the officers leers off forced an eutrace into their th air borne home mra mrs I 1 kemrey a clothing wi was in alamea fl aroe be the having altice died from her I 1 injuries In jurle fleurey waa was arres armeed tedi but waa was discharged at the preliminary examination it appearing appear log thattie that the woman had bad set et I 1 er own clothe clothes on fire ork haa commenced on the laramie Lara north park tek phone line of the rocky mountain hell bell telephone company and the line will III be rushed to completion with all possible speed and extended on west through the tile park the grand encampment country and down the platte liver river to tort steele where a force fare a of m men an ie Is now low engaged in build ing the line rae an empty water car got away a sherman yo and dashed down the th western slope of the mountain at a hair baler rah raiding log erech until it met neet an eastbound bould freight train at tie tiding the crew baw saw the runaway car in time to jump and noon no one the front end of the locomotive waa we s damaged omegu t the water barwa demolished frallic waa was delayed several hour hours by the tile there teem seems to bo be a brighter future in store for virginia city nevada cheap power la Is now an lafred fact ita its inell aaion will probably occur by julya with the introduction of cheap po merthe the consequent change of ma will make way for a great deal of surface labor quite a number of men will be employed la in displacing the eld old machinery and in making makine the proper allotments for electrical power andy cazavan of caiper carper ayo haa has old sold out his ills sheep holdings and retired from business bul ness a v wealthy man seven year yearb ago he came to casper and ob tallied employment as a dishwasher to a chop bouse house going oat out on the range to work for per month herding sheep be soon took a band of head on shares alia and inside of two year jeara be he owned a bunch of sheep of hi his own it la Is said that be he la in now worth upward of 0 f loo the conference committee on the urgency deficiency bill ha has accepted the senat senate amendment providing ao 20 for gauging at streams reams and dd making matting all rvena by the geological survey in the western states with thil this and the regular appropriation of the geological survey will make a number off urvey and investigation investigations in utah colorado wyoming new mexico ar are zooa and idaho to measure water ply resource resources aud locate reservoir aftel appropriation indans much lor for the western litake ali e the largest train ever b bf one on left archer byj on the alt for omaha it consisted conI ted of f pound capacity steel coal cars loaded an aggregate tonnage of about ton 1 ilia I he lehigh valley recoil la Is ton tons Flock roaster in central wyoming Vy oming aro are considerably worried over the tb spread of the new d among sheep Irto known ives as cetero being ao an ailment of the kidneys and liver from which the animal dies in three threat or lisas four daya days after being attacked 1 |