Show um aro STATES L aim oneice ot aice I 1 SALT LAKE layr tm uta UTAH murch march 0 j itou liuo I 1 to chow it may concern notice is hereby given that the tile state of utah has filed flied ia to thit this office a it list no til 81 of lands ii bectel by ibe the raid paid state for the establishment of perman permanent tnt for iril lri itin gating purposes seo section 13 ot of itie tit act of ci alt brov proved 4 july 10 16 1 94 the ful loing tract tracts embraced in eaid said lit li t are ina in u township cou mineral claims of record vaz iz the went west half ot the northeast nort beit quarter and the t flu arter nr arter ter of the southeast eat quarter of section twenty 20 in towne hip lp thirteen IX bolth 01 tb adlof of haagn teven seven 7 7 east bait balt like lake dape an and meridian er idian A copy of eald said lit list eo so far ae a it relates to paid 1 te by descriptive livis ions tons has been conspicuously in thin this 4 frice for hy by auy any person int eted and by th ahn public generally Rene rally during the sixty days next fol lawing the danaf this notice under depart m mental instructions of november Iso 2 11 1696 i L D 5 pro teete tso contests against aca inet the claim of the tate mate to any of the tracts or subdivisions herein above described on the ground that the is more valuable val for mineral than for agricultural purposes will be rece receive ivd and noted for report to the general land office at D C I 1 allure so to protest or contest within the bericia verified specified will be considered consi dfred sufficient evidence d ance of the non mineral character of said traus and the tile election selection thereof being otherwise free from objection will be ndel for FRANK 1 I HOBBS it gister OEO GEO 1 k iret pub march V b liam last pub may 3 10 |