Show sl OM ON AVON 11 P t act U in pt P t sf aluce 11 0 it aliu 4 of t 14 i the clerical staff I 1 cAl oilmen tuen rural fo meager and other others connected with the stratford office aad and the tub of the district were to at upper supper it at the InI I 1 kukora clurn botel on night thich baini the teat isom see ereath nth annual ip fathering the W pearce It arcet p baided and wa was supported up ported by a number ot of the leading tradesmen the th ice chair be IDS occupied by 1 U A respond log leg for our postmistress 11 a pro apropo pr opo pod by fly a U hoyden boy den ur bodnan eblet berk erk spoke of the iret great increase in 1 rease of work at the stratford Strai Strat furd IN ith in the laet last few low year years the clerical taff staff baa has been doubled and be the number of u telo telegrams tel grams waa was increased at the rate ot of 10 00 a year the year 1691 ahoe an increase inere aue of over those abo ot of 18 and now from rom the leturc jut just aade made up it appeared that the ther wae was a fur ther increase iB prea ot of 10 abc or those of 0 1 ba 9 applause th the te phone wa was about to be added the tb clerical arteal rt eal staff waa was to be further ln the duplex 13 F tern tem of hd had been author zed la in older to cop copol ito the lite in 1 i asa cased walk aik oik aed that the office bad won built only a few year years some IMPOrt important att structural truc taral alteration still 1 had become imperator tir aid wre about to be out applause 1 all ghisi abl showed that they were FA 1 a I 1 most atory ate tad ant be he looked forward to further important develop niente meats pt I 1 |