Show no sew Itsu ranco I 1 blut list raided A curious point in insurance law has line been malsed in california lu in a suit filed by the executor of the detate of ofa J IA 11 milte title who wa was killed lille title rescuing two women from the baldwin hotel lie the progress of the tile great fire la in november 1894 18 A short oliue lii lilt death hite purchased bed from the mutant I 1 ife lie insurance to copany of ew I 1 ork lor for 83 53 83 43 an annuity policy him to 13 COO a year th law of new I 1 ork enacted iu IS ls 5 provides that annuities are properties pro perlie which maa a be divided among the heirs of annuitants the farce same as its other properly property in the case of hite polky it was not stipulated that no apportionment should be made of ot the annuity in accordance with the 2 new I 1 ork law and the insurance company n hen lien asked to pay the annuity toll to bite a heirs disclaimed all liability under the tile policy ahe company ha has now been sue I 1 to recover the amount pad paid tor for the police |