Show if linw it FIs F Is tn it ilmi halted td in the ide file world magazine richard hicks an old time actor tells of his narrow escape from being hanged banged on the stage ot of the queen a theater dublin lie was playing the part of achmet a particularly villainous character who after a lone long career ot of crime is to the general satisfaction of the audience captured by two british soldiers and promptly hanged banged one night while struggling with my captors ane rope slipped from my shoulders and knotted itself round my neck just as I 1 wis being muted up says mr hicks never wr shall I 1 forget that awful moment directly I 1 felt the tug at my neck I 1 gave a convulsive kick and tried to shout stop but the word ord could not escape from my twitch t itch ing lips I 1 couie only make a gurling noise frantically I 1 kicked and md pain there was none strangely enough belond a choking suffocating nen Insa atlon tion and I 1 could bear the tu applause of the audience who were hugely entertained with what they imagined was my realistic acting then a terrible sensation like molten lead rushing down my opine pervaded my body and I 1 thought my legs were mere bursting I 1 gave another mighty struggle t and strove ah ahl I 1 bow I 1 strove to scream I 1 seemed to behold a mighty ruh of green water and my ears cars were filled with the roar of a cataract I 1 have a dim recollection of feeing peeing a great crimson eun sun shining dimly from behind the waterfall and I 1 can remember falling indefinitely through space two day days afterward I 1 recovered consciousness and then I 1 suffered indescribable agony tae vat suffocating fo still remained but it mas as accompanied by an unquenchable thirst not to mention tearful pains in my body and limbs |