Show IN THE dumica COURI PRO BAIE 1 IN AND FOR sanvery SAN lErE LOUiS fy STATE OF UTAH urah Q in the is iatter of the estate and nd guardian guardianship shir of aa el NOTICE alma alms mccombe et a al the lf L livenia mccombe praying foi the aaice aa oce to herself and peter P dys ingot ol 01 lettera letters of guardian dia ebia of the tho maate of eleanor mccombe e et al minors ni lnore baa has won let set for bearing hearing ou Wed Weda nelar the first dar day of 0 borom ber A D aw at 10 u 0 dock clock a m at the county cour home in room of said U court la in manti city san ban poto 1 county utah witness the clerk of 0 bald aid court with the seal thereof afflux affix this itra csc da of ec october tober A D 1 isaul A W J clarit cler |