Show HISSED OFF THE PLATFORM arr orr bimpson laud leads and nd was W forced to quit I 1 vichi A ichie danl sept 1 24 4 ex con pressman gressman beriy simpson was houte I 1 loll 1011 the platform while local G OA A R union mr nr simpson eald said I 1 I 1 glory in the punk spunk of Apul Agul a men they are imply simply fighting to regain their land the catholics Cat holles took from froin them A local pa paper ha raked lioi a go u marching ath I 1 believe john brown a soul Is marching with aguinaldo Agul naldo oaldo an old soldier in the audience arose u and aid said that the sp pech ech was drifting too much into politic politics this tills was applauded and greeted fre eted with arica of I 1 throw him and I 1 kick ivick elmp Ss impson on from the platform lien men and women arose arosta and tid hissed and the men kept crying put him film outi simpson attempted to go on but no one could hear aitu ten feet away the band truck struck up 1 I lie star spangled lia flanner and mr air Simp tion left the platform ill ills retirement wa greeted with long prolonged ch chara fra |