Show WILL RETURN IN A BODY t tab tah Tolen To lintern to arrive la in salt lk lake city on A augait got 19 san francisco aug 11 the utah volunteers have benfit a unanimous vote to return home hoine in a body they will be brought borne home by special train and will reach salt lake city on august 19 A stop top of an hour or two will be made to in ogden und and at other towns on tibe line to rive give the people a chance to greet the returning heroes arriving in salt lake city the boy will march through the principal sir sets to liberty I 1 lark ark where a program will be carried oil the utah meu mel will leave the presidio presidia for their homes on the afternoon of august 17 at 3 I 1 L mean something unexpected happens this program will be carried out to the letter the octh inal haa ban bee n the day het et for the final discharge disch irge a and d from the way everything is progressing all reports an and duties will be finished by that titue |