Show the lato into rains mako make good gool winter litter range on the tile desert a certainty taint it is an III wind etc this ban tile age one suppose it is now in orila to reft r to coachmen as e irke is elfort on thin J ia but one in town E S and be he cannot begin to ilo do the work tbt that be he Is called upon to do cupid lias line ei gone into the second band hand business back haet past A I 1 michigan man wao widow widows was caught hot on tho the trail of the eighth price should bend send up a big crowd to castle gate on the tile the welcome me to hie tile carbou u courly borers should IM tho biggert th abing ing c cr pulled off in eastern utah price nee otters a location for a maker and a shoemaker any man that can combine the two Is soured of a good business here the repair work alone would bring him a living town clerk 11 used sera cr poor judgment in posting tb the ret re aed ed ordinances of the city had nall be he banged them nearer to the the logs could bae in a ten eu few efforts what it bur bar taken the tile elements several das da s to do posting the revised town ordinances in three conspicuous klaoes pla oes about the town may 3 et prove more expert maj to the taxpayers than to have given them in a newspaper the intent of the law is clearly to give publio public notice f abis his has cot been done chairman nelson and nd county at torney tomey tuo tue committee ap pointed by the bord of county coin com missioners nilas loner to bord county count 3 t are negotiating with the elate state land board to take taka the bonds which will be five ten year bonds for at 5 ctr cent they expect a definite answer any day now william J stone ot missouri will take active charge of the deno cratic national campaign la in the absence of chairman jones who if it in J 1 4 drope for bis his health tite mantle could cot tall fall on worthier or more able shoulders mr 81 stone ae Is the brainiest man mail on the committee and one of the very bright eit men IQ in public life today palt lakes herald of tuesday last his thie editorial squib when orange seeley was washed into a is barbed win wire tence fence by that carbon county freshet the othe lay jay it must have re glided him of bis his experience aad that similar jence fence la in sagar honaas ward to watch which the arms arras found him dangling daa gling la in wi IM the editor of the great moral and religion religious ha has not been in a utah long enough to grasp the meaning but there them is e ei a point to it and we jet let the reader take it for what there is in it why not turn a fen few thousand head of sheep loose la the of price ner would quickly devour and trod under foot the weeds and that threaten oon soon to bide hide from few the depot and three dollar and sad six bite bits ice lea house of the hy ru grande western railway the latter litter has been noet most lavish next to reckless in making improvements here this year baling bat ing expended eapen ded at as much as eight or ten dollar dollars and it is a disgrace that our town trustees should permit theae rut vast improvements to be hidden un der a bushel u ft it were stranger strangers coning coming into lato price would think after alighting from train thattie that the chief industry here to the propagation of need weeds and nd sun dowers a bat but wa hae haie been told hat that the saved by the potin po biah tin of the town ordinance ordinances in lieu lien of a dews news paper publication Is to be expended expend td forsey for thes and that eatery member of the town board and each official ia is to light into the weed weeds and thus in a lues sure earo earn bis his salary such bow ever la Is wilmot tto good to he true now in a all candor who t ver hearl of a city official that really wanted to earn cam bis ti alary 1 fron the municipal |