Show TRAINING CHILDREN wb abe all the th J lambly ily help merk 1 tl Is 11 ily T diw right mi minded ded parenia once et the benefits their children may derive derlie f from to ra manual tra training laing they win will certainly t plan tor for them to have it sav ea able talk one mother mothers desire to havo her daughter learn housework leu lea her to dismiss her servants eer rants berb if bare share the nork that tier object might be accomplished unde her own car careful surer Ision N or as thin this done in a a spirit of martyrdom bit but one ot of holema holes ho leMu ps joyous joyousness nets remembered by both years after with the greatest pleasure one cannot teach teich the dig ally of labor wh ho does doe not feel it and it is only to tb those 0 who bo got upon it as a degradation t that hat it bc becomes omes such hen in the course of human events the maida places become vacant as la is apt to happen in the beit aa regulated ted families the members thereof usually a bit it about bemoaning bemoan inz the disjointed condition of the uni universe serse in one fam tam lly ily I 1 know of when occasion canlon oc coined eacia member taichi 1 part even the boy boys attack the ever to be washid dishes 3 ad a d 0 t does not coee ose caste in the community by lend ing t hand band A ba at home either te came of 0 cooking he lie ran can beep sheep and dust a room as deftly as all a any maid cook a meal and eve evea make bread rather better than thru the most of them all without making a rouss muss or losing his temper temper tempel N by it Is at its sunniest on suil su il oc 01 cas tens the entire family i leall el ily athel enjoy the rolica frolics they make mlle lit it them their motto seems to le iless versus |