Show FROZEN dcarl A room houn 4 14 ulo about a vry VM dad C cold soap it was a cold clew clear sharp morning in january A number of trav clore wore tamping stamping up and anti down the platform because it ras freezing the express train never walte walts for any man aliat liat ut sometimes mari has to wait for tho the express train when imen it li to below zero and tho the wind blowing and roaring tho the train la Is generally behind tivio 1 tha ie Is pretty cold weather M said ono one man mm ns as ho he commenced dancing a breakdown to koop keep hia his blood in circulation yea yes 11 eald said another s but ite its noth ing to tho cold weather I 1 hao boon soon in Ilu Itu eela thin this lost declaration to ralo tho the frozen travelers trao lors who wore jumping and kicking and swinging their hand hands against their aides to keep warm they acro pad lotio and care to eland stand by and hear tho the homo home cold weather belittled or mado made light of how cold havo have ou known it in russia asked eo so oral at once well now I 1 hwo haie econ soon it pretty cold I 1 can cn toll tell a 3 ou I 1 remember tho the winter of 67 pretty well it was about tho the bitterest of all the bitter winters I 1 c cr or spent I 1 was at moscow thun then ono morning v m a opened tho the back door to lot the dog out for a run in tho the snow aa As ho he jumped off tho the stop a neighbors dog saw him and as they m wore are old enemies they boy mado a frantic rush for each cath when they got into tho the middle of the held field they stead still each ono waiting walting for tho the other to moko make an attack after they had boon been standing in ina a warlike attitude attl tudo for so gooral oral minutes both dogs mado made up their minds to too commence hostilities just as they undertook to spring upon ono another they found hoy they could not move what was tho the matter asked several men who could not lot tho the stra nizer finish his etory story in placa what was tho the mat matter fer P repented repeated tho the stranger why tho the doga dogs were frozen stiff that Is all aas as tho the matter and there they stood know knowing ing perfectly well that they move to savo save themselves every bit of each dg dog was froza 1 belll except tho the intelligence each one ono thought tho the other might thaw out first and rat pat him up tho the expression of mingled fear and disgust that lit up their features was heartrending they nay would bo be easy victims victim for any urchins with evil designs that might come along suddenly each mado made an endeavor to wag his tall and the two efforts were so groat great that both tails wagged but as they were frozen stiff they snapped off close to the termini of the owners and two tolls went scurrying baross tho the field by this time wo we thought something waa was tho the m artter ater and I 1 went out to learn tho the state of affairs I 1 picked both dogs up and returned to tho the house with them first we thought that we would put them in front of tho the firo fire and let lot them thaw out gradually but my sister who was withal a tender heart ed ad creature said that a surer and quicker method of alleviating their suffering would bo be to too immerse them in hot water which would at the same time give them a much bath so wo we filled a wash tub with hot water and threw tho the dogs in and what do you think what asked the entire party in tones of great interest why the dos dop broke broko just oe as agles ware does when put in hot water in cold weather what cracked liko like glassware they all ailed certainly just like preserve pro dishes or wint glasses at what did you do then why by wo a stuck them together with glue tho the only trouble was that in tho the hurry wo we got the wrong beads heads on the wrong dogs and I 1 could ift toll tell tho the fox terrier from the king charles span spaniel lel but they were dined tight thoma what kind of glue did you use 1 I 1 used my great magic glue which I 1 am now selling over the country I 1 have a few samples left at the reduced price of ad each it is pur 61 11 bep and will make a mechanic ta k to his trade I 1 am tho the solo sole agent for but tho the train camo came booming along and choked tho the glue man off london tidbits tid bits |