Show OW b t wr vr handle everything that the farmer requires 44 ARTHUR manager managar J LEE t 4 branch house george A lowe I 1 i 4 for 4 the old reliable 44 t wagon t 4 and vehicles deering binders t t mowers and t 4 4 5 TT hay rakes r t 4 i 4 t agricultural implements OF ALL KINDS 4 4 our goods arc are the best the low prices sell them 4 4 C 10 ess 0 O H OEL OTEL new under j manage 0 C I 1 LARKE ment 0 C W SPALDING Prop proprietor rictor the deit best in eastern ulal utah 3 ea ic it for travelers 40 uses filtered water v lis ix in connection handy to depot 1 stages north ailon anil and south liberal rates to soll Regin regular lar boarder boarders ninn nina oat out JT of ten traveling TraT elIng salesmen Saleam cn visiting price stop at hotel clarke J C WEETER LUMBER CO cosy wholesale and retail lumber yard I 1 with a full line of sash doors screen doors building P panel ar e I 1 Moul dings s casings blocks redwood and pine finish build ers harkace Har hardware Kare glass wire cloth iron roofing nails bad barl ware combination lath fence also a complete line of buggies spring wagon and will handle all kinds of farm implements we represent the co coop op wagon tid tad machine co of salt lake if in need of an anything thing in our line call and see us or write rite it will be to your interest to do so J C WEETER LUMBER LUMBIER CO GO 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol amen sei en year old STONEWALL L L WHISKEY 4 SK E E Y as PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL large lame stock to select from 1 special attention to mail orders UTAH U A arl THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT af MILLBURN proprietor good whiskies beers FINEST LINE OF liquors s and cigars in in castle valley JUC JUG AND BOTTLE TRADE A specially pool tables and all appointments of a first class house everybody made welcome ANDERSON BROS general black blacksmiths hs horse t t sheers and wheelwrights Wheel wrights 1 ever L of work turned out of our shop is fully guaran guaranteed teed shop no north lit and east of the railroad ad warehouses priced consistent with honest work worl 4 Q M irr L NH 8 0 N gl GENERAL blacksmithing Garri carriage age evi id 1 wagon W work 0 iric HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY ALL WORK ZELI IE u UTAH raiq j he smith premier typewriter T y p rt it 5 b economical writing stitt ng machine Kif livi i on 11 aw ww u of omak juris U if Is a mutt rod divak u a ak MU WW W W 00 is ow aa ap M t V sma premier ter comuni co 18 and 19 commercial block salt lake city utah ter i aJ the Hate hinson bros are working or kling up an edcur ion to castilla spring oa on bull day the 3rd erd the fare for the round found trip will be bet 50 alrea ay some mcinty are penona persons bavo barn signified an intention of going on the trip the fire are from price will his 1 I ba M helper and ute the game and cost 11 t 3 quite a large number Is t expected to go from the latter town towns 11 i i C 4 4 go 10 H aw fw 14 elliers county mercantile co JW s it 14 W w w 1 1 jm 5 19 GENERAL 1 merchandise AND t FURNITURE 4 4 complete stock ck in every line prices and goods ALWAYS RIGHT v r i 1 1 a 1 9 TORES AT 4 price t 4 x 4 ferron and e I 1 C astle dale date t ie the advocate has in stock over different forma forms of legal blanks and eup sup plies anything in this line at 1 alt lake and provo prices all kinds of blank leeda aal an 1 locution location notices mail Mull ordera orders given prompt attention A As F jading redding wanti wants the people to kno v that he carri carriz la his new manket fresh meats I 1 sausages vegetables butter eggs in fact everything a first class market should have special attention given to the trade of surrounding to kali we cater to please give Us U a trial and you ton will bonit apia abia A SHOW OF QUALITY ONE OF MERIT MERIL to campbell bros COLOSSAL RAILROAD SHOWS TRIPLE CIRCUS BARE RARE MENAGERIE arrange MUSEUM and ad hippodrome FACE GRAND BALLOON 4 ASCENSION AND mile jump from abo tk cloud claud at I 1 0 clock by professor cor Wall acm worth wois comilue olle to am brightest st alb ubbo to date exhibitions cl s Xena Kerl I 1 and jm zm mu and nd I 1 U ily th uney all gwm beur stow ato lor or lao modest in ia if its promis pr lavish la in if its ver forts always bonest in its it it 1 Is the very acin of present toe at all 11 II time twice as a much as and producing performances before bioren bf oren sem watch cabonot be duplicated by aar r other bow show DO no batter doiy or bow how small grand free street parade at 10 A M Weader fut outside fr boss daily on 0 show aho rounda bro axt tw two satee p un pa P on bour es ettor positive to appear on day announced JULY 29 cheap oa on all railroads DR DRUG U G STORE Is I 1 be the PIS piece to urca ou ur cb your DRUGS MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLE MAGAZINES periodicals cigars end 1 I water Is 1 a with oe us and done better cea me be b foun 1 anywhere MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED 44 Ite member the tb 14 jc ave 2 11 1 SOUTH MAIN it CRT E W A ettor 11 r n e ey y at L a w ci 0 MANTY ftak mining irrigation ad aRd bak 1 litigation a blank wank nota aal and la look ot of HO im kt k sale 1 at the tb |