Show roSIA 11 1 LINK the ins train of ur tile chicago anti bt b imil paul railway pleases the inam Pati tit de I 1 pot at linalie Ji nalie stall at 5 15 5 ij to a or ri ing in chi hirago hi jago ft it 8 15 1 ie e next mornin morning g iraln fig bj electro C ita oil and d h 4 OT tit ask fur for tickets tick eli via tiie the route F A nash gereral beurn adept cot 1604 1504 farnham street out Oui as ali neb sell L aj L downing commercial agent weal west temple treet salt sill lake city ia R W C rockett at fhe ali advocate 1 olace buya buys couil war warrant tanto 99 w ri tip etc Ilig heat case aih arl price Ts paid fur of carbon uintah grand anil suit emery bmw our it election of 1 tr tn jat I inspection loix clon Wein we love vo 1 solicit the opinion of the bt ja priest a from 45 rent to the ho benr y county mercantile irr cantile comp company otay LEGAL BLANKS IN STOCK the advocate carrie carries ft a fall tw une of legal blank blanks anything that can be bad had la in salt lake or provo and at till the scams price prices DIRECTORY risum tik or i u tit 1 I rinku tm tits HI lubah Itri ihor jobse II 11 rf ant cote oveita har a X late fc 4 1 A aruthr W st dos ke k M rk ari 1 I hill k A Z WARD W A it to R R T S at 0 ft L IA Y lustor alax ab ft 9 1 at 0 r 6 r 1161 1 owa 4 nu fl latla DAI 9 W IID JOHN 1 jasok tok AM birst prier 1 ft FW F W 0 cawly a TZ UA aall list L LAU lamah pit albov andro 4 r couf west t rt J 1 I 4 hi dikka ir kwal wk T MAND att tAIN polor 11 ki el rim cointot Cown tot I 1 tilt 11 Hali deft J aoun cle I 1 I 1 U P 0 krak aroon lint tires 1 TL 1 4 U A lajo albi 1 jobe 1 L attrel full bior ge aire rde I 1 ITT v ry clovo irasid amit 41 8 1 owe K mac elfa WAUD CAI 14 lap 01 first cewos lor fj ant aeye hemom lar fadl XV 14 1 ailini as L C lien 1 1 abw X adaoo J WALZ alt um U jim J 1 I tit R 11 if id awa 1411 L first 1 C 1 jobe evja F fumed nd awit 4 AM 1 I ivary WARD eul ED MID I 1 ahter thiu Clous sobe ti iti WAWA balor WARD at K moil MOM ul UI LI S U 11 shap R bew I 1 au s I 1 idy I d af f II 11 ch h orum wit I 1 IANI TAN tamir I 1 x awu 41 1 M I 1 I 1 ca 1 U bot I 1 6 4 y 61 6 A dalt eustis oUe title 1 I 4 law villo 8 0 awl ill chihos 01 A II 11 A ami owe G ufa ta H price juhn ill jl move ani curk AND howrd POW I AND AV LOAM ft it lib lbert cryster I 1 rice ATTL bat L LO 0 irka fola I 1 w all vol a arto of ach uh uk II 11 a 0 we efm castle 1 10 MR livia ilem bui ill pille I 1 IL IL 6 har amilt 1 ll 11 I 1 G arndi odom IB I 1 j J jow romen 8 luau Z to avinere Al inere I 1 0 00 isabal lIr bl bal mier r AM albert r L stilt mi TIOW 4 t t k k ank 1 1 I liable roister registe of lie tile united state states land calac tit at sail salt laka lillie so I 1 linc li nc jutt ima jut t i il laced in in rol offlie olie ol 01 bour our 0 1 row 16 s neav masys of atall and 1 lake take pleasure lc ure in sat eagin ing that it fille rills a place that ilax lia been tw long ataul laii cit we lisle sid way ways needed ne eile at an up u map of our state and anti hilt this apt cars to rill the bill till adini admirably rahl rile dix tear ries these anapa int tn in block stock lust oat tile thing for the business house lie tile arit amate ate idenie i id enve school boora tollice ind ad public institution it is 19 en 11 a I 1 he the latest aal best beat gnp it by 1 john II 11 park einie state ru au of Acho donld ola I 1 31 tan lit of the agricultural dallege Coll VAl lege cyc J 1 late il super in salt lake school 4 the lord of of eglen ami and salt llo and anti numerous crous state count county otH olli ciale mals knien 1 is gitin gis bog aa allay a st iries ries of book bronks to t eash o 0 known sit a 0 our to r nation nullon in r 0 anc wrt folio of the tile famous battit s of ot the in ill magnificence ml realistic reali ilic elaboration elat lie the roost most struggled charge eliar gw lid tits torio fig dr na natal 21 engage centa at ill 1 of astounding loun illg tane baie PI oco and anJie iii i 0 action ibe the it aitor i of our cintr wintry from 1776 to 19 1899 tit the book comes in V ach mike m ike 4 nitaro lintl pit a ai ite I te wt ot oj 03 inc ine publishers I 1 be he grm Is gibing hwai ne tie number will cica cleo c ica V 2 50 30 in nin lic aught for tal will 1 I 1 11 ollon magic ill pot haalon I atlon a it i etive k iri tre care J for ot stin flog barn kmil I 1 ftp 11 in depth ria ri for il t conaty torn ric pile latin ewe ophor ahr xhemal cr or internal in ill I 1 from min 4 I 1 to 1 1 ly I crt II 11 I 1 berss ia li it for OOM in erta ct 14 n of enl araan ethma for tot boutry goutily X 1 ornu pany I 1 r W rt r for to tont nt prompt ata 1 certain i relief for troughs and ovll I 1 fall 11 fawk of i an one rua aw I 1 bult 11 martin rid v is I 1 bonington Ion ington afu I 1 iu alm k c by thi U J ater wt lq 14 aber uber coni tuny pi if e utah wall E EXCURSION RATES forthe for abc annual tr arLet I 1 fit jeff a ml rate of f ono florthia lin ism cited far tale fer for the round mod trip plu plus 2 1 out hortes froni tous 4 11 tui lorts lu to attall i it and nil incle uny ling CIA alx utah tickets th art will tw bold b old for train Traine band 1 4 gib botill ul littlie t to 0 e ia i n uis L ti 0 vow me ue w will lilt t kit lot 0 ao nt r eal transit limited to t two it daf das in tooth to 00 ml ouri rj aher er slid nit three davi davit 01 on st SL louie louis sail ahlf Chi raten I 1 i acu limit plem tor 4 U D it tie a donald kot price ut AIL for the ot of tile ali I 1 ind jul to a rate of u one ime lowest arst elass ela frrtz pine ta 00 Is I 1 authorized to U indianapolis and return will besold IM 1 for regular train trains of july jut find liitle lit nittel to tit con in tit four directions lib final limit to july 1 17 IS 18 ticket also 1 beier 1 a transit limit of three tie 1 a after lute date of ule sale on the tile epting ang trip slid oliree dalot lei after list of tit execution on he tile return trip and will IM be goski gahl ion at ing indi inaldo Is I 1 u up to sail 1 ift eludIng jua 24 4 1899 1909 T tivit on ili p uincent mant of tl it e fee fe or llyl bentoi and il filpot delto pot olt of witt alit at addla w lion lion roeurn I 1 fail rus iii iw be eato boded vj i include u auguet aut 2 au 1 1891 I 1 or the be annul annual Liven tio i of the SK 81 I 1 t of 1 at detroit jah jul aali to I 1 alili oth a rate of if OIK toile lowest first class normal fare plus is 4 00 Is lilie berets rc anthor ism to darolt aahl 1 return I 1 licketto will be too mold for ort rr gulai gulat trains of july J lt lit 21 2nd awl aru rd limited to continuous biege pato ui ege atte in ill loli tooth allm ton I 1 kokela shall alo rl ise bear war a transit lii flit it cf ef four ilif it its in both directions oil n g if nip ip to djou rone wence with date 11 tit it ate isale nil 1 return 1 trip with date f s alution t ution with imil no 1 ditth aut lao will ia toe 1 good to it up to 10 and in clI filing jul letb except that del laft with the joint agent of the dil 1 folt I 1 repaid linen on of for ir before jelv A ral nil upon ullon pa unseat matut of fee f to of benoi return 0 o limit lie be extended to leme lesie detroit to and in eluding ta gust 5 1899 1999 for par the naul convention of the rodrig people loil a union of tit werle at I 1 vat jul laili up h I 1 ibal AL a nite rate of hie wie lowest regular cl I 1 northal fire fare little lu ill 2 1 00 i hereby authorized to cond and AI return toe will be si ld for reg liar 1 trains oil i jul 8 it ath anti 1 1001 10 ih limited limi teil to age ge in both directions with final limit augut 6 1899 will ix toe gogof for or return lea e ing illch mol up boand to ad including jah july mat 31 t except that by depkat of ticket with aint agent at 01 0 or before july and anti upon joa at ell t of fw fee of fifty cent wrote return limit mk tea b be extended to defte lea is to and sold including august IR 15 i it Is t Is I 1 constantly i I 1 inured o 0 the anat r it cow rom diters c pel men and ari ll 11 i a rp rio r if item full mi wr at 04 to I 1 reserve hoo h I 1 b h ul lot 1 1 4 be ore to ulius Hind hindai Mi do w al 4 1 0 fur daher 1 rl 1 end glyph it 11 1 ver are re 1 ioma t frean raa otly and br lor UK tho pro pouce ir thoo th wi r i rl ef of 1 ie a I 1 orind water hear wl to h is ili abr beat kid only ply pro I 1 ut of pur mixon 11 ill never h tako thern n urto the tt volt in tit lot ii r Y tn yn n nf n f I 1 tr if lotiue loki ue tair mr tx 9 J wilhma wilh uirt bettor aff pt h chiv hiv ved d T liy tl aw ti linn tin n of 0 lobbs that the tion WWI jiller ta to the only IT r por t od ra 1 proof filter at t dhigh bey ars v 1 I bris braaf bisin ny to h kf family and nd iligir n nu not cur en protect on rif dafft lut tat r rows h tavy vt doctor dower bin 11 and nd even life 11 1 boll 1 general et lor for 1 1 utah pr vieb CH all aud it the th triau fillier MISSOURI I 1 1 RAILWAY TO aa cm or 01 LOUIS aad an pania a at fw TL br HE cars arto to boWer of at amur baek for lt old fm od 0 4 etc etil on nr jle et I 1 Jl ju mo 1 0 s 6 T A IL J k lyev T P I 1 A tl 11 IL koob salt lake utah bt lik lak etui 91 9 1 a tf PRICE PRIC E TRADING C VR ca aram A THE M we do not dcarr carry Y cheap shoddy stock tock CN 1 I bot B o t berrice lEr rice dixe 13 C tin OUR ONLY competitors SALT ARE THE LANE DENVER flour 11 75 to 2 00 sugar 15 pound pounds for I 1 oo 00 coffee Ar Arbuck buckles lec 8 packages agus for 1 00 oo lion ft pounds for 1 00 oo levering 8 pounds for 1 0 oo 00 6 mot doilia lia and javi jaa 3 pounds lor for 1 00 oo 1 I 1 cat ea english breakfast 2 pounds for 1 00 oo rree 5 packages for 1 00 oo 6 SC schillings best 5 packages for I 1 oo 00 to other brands 6 packages for I 1 co bacon dr salt sait per pound 8 breakfast per pound 11 14 im 1111 I 1 wr pound 11 lard per pound 10 oatmeal per pound found 3 ace island land per pound 8 starch all kinds per pound 10 soda per pound to 10 Cli cheese tese I 1 ull cream per pound 4 TL 1 foi fx sale by all 0 roof re at a 11 drw 1 J 5 jo o at S v csc 5 cans soc 16 ox cans jc I 1 II 11 IL I 1 F am Ms IV 1 every cat A 1 to rive sive ire alaf af m or r menu mants stared ct ared hr t hewlett u co 8 alt LAKE CITY the fhe I 1 D R Y railroad fotr UN ab 1 tits 11 II llop lit iise of at rea gilr sy 11 we 11 rand and ahr ua via rte 1 R two dally fat fr t tilot in a PI I 1 0 rt ramil g 8 te and 08 A EAV J ia trean aft it leor areg price 1 I I 1 us p rr tt at imoma s fr 0 a m opie vre 12 ft a 0 1 i 0 40 a a tr no 4 frn kaa price CA IBM rm at rl 1 o 0 we 8 aa 1 I I 1 nest 1 6 14 km Is llis via p carrr da of po ble cotor okd lo and lit with on lint tat mar gat imir san aa 4 huumo ill As tit tab 1 it ark 61 ampy for tho b lert Wree lie f 14 A erta i r A fu fate imas 8 4 04 B R so iles H CV iet TW a at I 1 1 JUSTICES or tur PEACE aad and Pre precinct officer ere are reminded blut alu advocate lorries it full a and nd line alln ot legal 11 blank orders by br mail given prompt st lc le per can table Firt emit lit all kinds per can f iio he ruit per can tomatoes per can ar salmon aston astoria a per can J gg cascade Casc fule per can 41 charter oak ier per can call 51 corned beef one pound laundry soap the best af pf per r bar ac 3 coal oil per gallon LL Sh eLtin per yard jc per ard ai calico callao per yard ard am outing flannel per yard launs la n per ard Iler cales ard per yard sc ti t lindsey sheeting She etiny per yard ard overalls strauss per pair eldorado Eldom do per pair creamery butter pur per pound ii N i 1 vit silks ribbons laces and notions I 1 hats caps and glo best underwear any size style or texture A tremendous FREMEN DOUS STOCK OF or ME af LADIES CHILDREN S ahe 1 li c finest n es t aej best es assorted A aso r ted stock sto ck Q rifi anta ba ster ca carried r e d i in n an i eastern n U utah t ah store SUMMER DRESS GOOD LEATHER GOODS RUBBER GOODS WAI queens Queen ware etc harness Il arness saddles Sli apps pack saddles spurs legins leggins whips TE henrs N rs I 1 WAGON COVERS AND CAMP ou i n rs JW air srul yniol lL ai MUM DRILLS 0 cmil cals CAPS we WE PA tle r aoth ak A H tui the I 1 ebest price for product of all kin i ita a 47 larU 0 see Us before you depose of an anthia th iri u ile frell if 11 produce at the lowest rate consistent M illi till our rule to make it a prout aronton oil lvere thing ile c II aull WE ARE AFTER YOUR TRADE PRICE COMPANY three th arne crown BAKING POWDER A apola tt kaz I 1 awit ir I 1 lured lud t t clr 1 rif S 7 T 71 1 0 GO 0 AUD RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and wi add so sewn en year old sa s1 al ill SKEI jl PER PEP CENT PURE ALCOHOL stock to select aftem at attention fention to mill mati orisen orders i 1 liuji GEil UTA U 1 J 0 YN E E T E R LUMBER CO coi i wholesale and retail lumber did r yard lard with A full line of sash doors doom S screen cree n door building pape L Moul dings casings blocks redwood and 11 nc ric I 1 anish build ulf ers hardware glass wire cloth iron roofing Roo finc nails RA B ware combination lath fence also a complete Cou line of Harness Wagons buggies spring JB and ii ill handle all kinds hinds of farm J am InI pit ants we wc represent the coop co op wagon anil and machine co of tat 1 las it in fr nel of ia in YU it nna thing our line call aud and ace ua nil or write to lour te to ilo do e so I 1 I 1 J C WEETER LUMBER lu 1 4 ia EJNA arm A rm TEx ALO v r NICHOLS EGAN FINEST LARGEST ANO AND LINE af old whiskies brandies Bl andies alcohol and ci C 1 IN 81 A 1 LX f Atten iliou xav to the gallon aa 1 fm Swo jallon 1 on r 1 oboe to hd katt i which w rob ast TH E OASIS 0 SIS SAL aalf M 41 I 1 J i in or good whiskies liquors 4 and cigars ova rs in 11 castle cable JUG jue AND BOTTLE bottai TRADE A S pool tables and all appointments appo 1 of a first j ever body nade I 1 elconick ei el conie conic t A |