Show BATTLE AT LAS panas IN RESIST desperately AND aggressively oa t abt liftig lif til datil of the lb wr ter in it I 1 t IS foment lr rt a also 00 s g L 1 manila jua june 13 esthe the at QI L lu ll 11 ilaa io as T u e a da 1 y 1 1 i s e proven to 64 n O 0 oo 00 O 0 go 0 f tb the e m inot 0 0 t s tu b b 0 anly contested battle battles ot of the war lo 10 tir the phill aldel the tb to lou to th the 0 american bom 1 li placed at t slaty w while hile the th insburg u lou loss although kit hoagh hes efty vy will arba ay dover be known on this occasion the tb american field rani guns were rr engaged in the A rat artillery duel against a lao battery con celled in the jungle companies Cona peni P F ault nd I 1 of th be twenty first wre were nearly surrounded by a three body of insurgents but tir tile american cut cui their way out with heavy low losses the th united state states turret hip ship mon and the gunboats helena It elti and zafiro trained their batteries bat on ila its coor and the relo rebel el I 1 n c b e s near r la las vo wes pines all moraln morning g lla e 0 0 r waa e once oo 00 fire but the dalire tia tives sto stopped roped th the spread of the flames during the th previous lou an cent cainnon was tr fired three thues at the american americana on the th outskirts of la las general lawton tile following In took ft ot of the lour kour regiment and nl two companies compin lf ol 01 th toty to ty first rot to locate the tat dattary tary and then tiro two cc of the sixth al four mountain mount oln gun gung were planted against it at 60 yarda distance the aebela had ft larg art gun from which they were bring firing bom bow made canister and bombs loaded loade d ball net Is and two smaller guna guns their tho oling lne mat as mont bloc accurate orate the brat lot of completer buret burst directly in front of scott a lies or z and ad shattered the leg legot of a private in the fourteenth infantry several shot truck struck the ede edere of the town the 1 cupino force engaged appear appears to bar have been the largett largest and beat organized body of men which have met our troop the american soldiers kold lere fought at great odda odds all day the insurgents bar log ing the advantage of position and the th day batur intensely hot many of the tb boy boys in blue were picked oil off by sharp hooter shooters and a number of then succumbed to the heat heal the insurgents were driven back only yards during the daya day but when came they were jud it la Is not dot thought ty will make a further pl wl at once |