Show PLENTY TO BAT SAT A haw the th bel idler dlee 6 mott 1111 4 r roe at june one among the re report ports which accompanied the report of general kitiss jit aa log about manila are arethia those thoa ft lating to sub albence al tence stence ut of the army it appear appears from these the subsistence corp corps waa was prompt la in every way in supplying the troop troops with food under data date of march TO 9 major robart rt 1 jahugh 1 cf of enc says 7 that oo 00 the evening of at t k el ellary ill f after baril hard fighting and a adrance advance all the tile llo the troop troops wire given 1 their apper supper promptly a at the regular hour and dur D all the sub muTe meata while the troop troops bare have lea been fr outing the eremya rither either fa or ID in the trenches the cout continuous lawous sup ap ply of rations hf has tern maintained a and nd at all time times a reserve of at leat least two daf days travel ration trat ious been kept on an band hand with the exception of two diya when travel ration rations were issued the tits issue has ha been as a follow follows I 1 rh beef beet seven day days in ten 11 pound pounds hacon baco n in ten aj pound salmon t tiro wo dayala day in tons ten 1 pound frebe bread dall I 1 pound 2 ounce ounces potatoes pot atoe dally daily 80 per cent 12 41 43 oance ounces onions 40 percent 3 il 13 ounces or potatoes pot atoe T 71 5 per cent onit cir j 13 15 ler cent canned cuned tomato s to 10 per cent coffee I 1 7 T SS 23 ounce ounces ugar sugar 2 I 1 3 ounce ounces vinegar Tine yar iu halt and pepper popper in authorized proportion to which wa was added on ily days of fret beef issue the option of 4 an ajo a of freih fresh beef or 2 ounce ounces each cl of lice tice dried fruit fruits and when on hand oatmeal to the above were added canned corned beef ham canned milk and cream fruit preserves and a long aa lilt list of delicacies dell cacie old sold by the subsistence tence department at cost which were purchased bj by each organization with pro po coeds from savings of subsistence stores |