Show NEWS tie first crop of hay has been cat c otto ta dixie mile it 1 a Cou contract tracts have been let to il brick for theTo thi toselo ocle creamery about pounds of bool bar bare been sheared this thi ses season 1101 at thomp boas spring springs corn aud potato pott to log ie illy ally completed in a number of the tile cen aral counties rum lumbermen bermen say ay the tilt price of lumber I 1 here hau has been a araldo redwood of rl I 1 and lind 82 3 SO 51 and wheat are ir le ported somewhat lome what backward throughout the tile state but in food good condition active work has ha commenced or the alt salt palace and the tile str stricture iture will tc to rapidly pushed to completion A farmer firmer living on lie the banks of the jordan last week captured a large ie ia baab tn e pelican which nine feet from tip to up LIP kawin 31 cox and anti J 8 Or orangers augers of have len ranted granted a pat iet fat forai foraL for lalog and P fc ir baron a grand nephew ot of the great eh anee lor kaa A utah visitor I 1 last week lie ile Is I 1 figuring on buying a large farge farm in bait lake county I 1 A number of ebra aki cattle buyer buyers are in L tab yearling cattle for for shipment to 1 I nebraska eb rabka ilia I 1 he p prices rice paid in L trofi for yearling yearlings la is fro from in to governor welle was VB la in idaho last kekua ck a recreation trip secretary tary of state Ilam 11 ammond moud wa was at the helm as acting governor during the governor go i a absence I 1 very inch of the outside fence will surround the aalt salt palace bas has been old sold for advertising purpose purposes and the association la is ahead on the deal about 2 00 the belief Is expressed by officers ol 01 the militia that thid as soon as the battery boys now in n the ae return a regular state artillery organization h ill be emoted architect 1 of salt take city has been leen given the contract to re colel a belve twelve room school bouse at I 1 laramie yu yo the cost of the im I 1 ald aing 3 OW I 1 I 1 is to have a boulevard extend ing from the asylum to the lake takei along the tile lake take shore within ten minutes SJ J an ivas as tatted for the enterprise sod it is an assured I 1 arties artles who hare haire just returned froid from the camp bumps saye says that in the past ten days no labs au than ISO cars of altah wool have been unloaded thi practically the spring crop the people of utah county are conf dently expecting this to be the banner year fop for fruit many old timers prophesying es ing that the coming beason will wilt see the largest amount of fruit ever raised in the county A toll road is being conr constructed strutted ted from cisco to moab the great tide title of travel in that section of the country making the construct construction iou of the road a nersi lity the road will villi ix be the next ten days the site for the government building to be reeled erected in aal alt t lake 1 uty I ty has been aele elected ted the lat chosen Is u upon pon the corner of lain and market streets and feet the boll dlug when COmple completed tid mil ill cost designs Pe lensi have been comple completed wl for a modern school building at murray it ill 11 te be of ot brick with stone stogie tri rl two stories wh nith ele eleven ran el clu Is rooms sudi clent to accommodate CW pupIls win be h batel by indirect indirect I 1 u 14 am and will coat A burglar ent entend ertil a dentist a ome om e in bait I 1 ake ale city tine night last week and purloined 1100 worth of plate gold and leaf gold which the tile dentist intended luing ing lo 10 hia his business bubl nes he ile overlooked I 1 coo ta in cash ua and Is 1 probably now en an caged in kicking himself 60 mor melin 11 ha has had bad numerous inquiries recently ae as to when hs ht iti ia appointing road supervisor supervisors in barlou roup houptle tle of the state to expend the appropriation for roads and bridges made ay by iy the late legisla ture lure rod nd slates states that he will vill make the in fit about a week or ten day days governor bo vernor enells ells has been informed by the tile assistant gen iran aral ral that the bolle of vish a soldier boys who loit lost lire lives lp U the philip pines one not ge sent home for at lea st t in mafua claim tile ive neither ather is J too warm aad and tilt lt it R to property am a alln and liap ship the holhi now DOW id fd loose the tile provo mining roan man has a purchased a pair of pacer pacers in california for which it Is ald said he paid r t KO it la Is ald said thi this la Is the highest lil ghe I 1 trice delt out by any individual buyer in lie the late for a patr pair of road itera Call california fornia raspberries were in the aalke city market last week wholesaling at 8 3 0 o a cae case and retail illg AR j icen tx W A cheroim s florb rohalio rohA f ill S pil aio e 5 I 1 a t av re rel illse rt tb be had bad tj and 4 centawer cen taper 0 A T tt in the cae case ol 01 the state of attah vb 0 the e company ih tatti state 6 U oahu for tile he aru gaail ll 11 boutro coot rorer u under a d a r tw t 9 to bof erria abet a I 1 d I 1 a iolj ahe ground thai effi nere plu erat chaa ba for soi a 0 tur purpose ee the sooth compan Is 1 rinar jr it alyo ap apo 4 40 I 1 bayon UL bk yon font at ivil from this 14 exal I 1 bectel to 24 tile pater bedi or r irrigation and sod tbt the be J a of alc ahe town tow a 11 II la expect oI faut the work div be I 1 e a f atine |