Show waiting for order orders kansas city april 0 9 captain J T weldon of kansas city has presented a clalie against the government for OW back pay alleged to be duo due him 1 I was captain of a gunboat on the river 1 on the union tide side in the civil war 1 said captain weldon I 1 and have never been muttered mustered ont out of the navy I 1 WA sent home at the close of the war in 1803 1805 to watt wait tor for rde orders and I 1 am waiting aaltio yet yell captain weldon commanded the gunboat curable lie ile entered the mississippi marine service in 1863 1802 and served until the this war closed v without losing a day when he be was ras told to go home and wal wat for orders his home was at Lafa lafayet yelte indiana |