Show 11 lt M ml kan clrar Clr nr to 1 enli I ich 27 17 on lift lost Th churda urda jacob corral hedi sheds and ml were ere burned tile lie jolis 1 it total our one together with set get en cn fiend of hep sheep one calf several veral chickens tin tons uni of bay a new set et of bar barrates rites and still numerous num croue mailer smaller a the lire tire wits wn started b one af f his j alii ll ii malchek inn mider the oil it there wu was no in I 1 u burai LU le on oil the rrth rr 03 tj tile peo wf pie ilia of Clettia alf latil nd will turn out and anti help mr nr johnson rebuild la Is alaa 1 a the custom lire in ili cases of lile this kiml kind nobber it mil sail 0 tur red here mgt gipti if 11 airs anil and sanford si wire cre ath ing fill ildur or irtle tiring a it di baill Kliot gun un oil tile front of tile cormir e leoine when the gun wa was hitting him just the right alap ing in ilott art ot fit his out oer the ride fide of the houst lie lit id bout about four hours the tile wa was it son of bishop charice r of if who wa was kint for and anti arched a chort time bo bu fote tote ibl ta boj inspired the tile at dudu at 1 10 alock at ilan kingto toll lillar slid lie his two chuu allore of kince slake stake spoke to the people of ard yesterday till tills Is I 1 tile ferat elal the now preal dene lina lilts badt tu to till this burd ard bul but it U Is I 1 hoped it will III nut not bo be the lait la it I 1 llie be were un ier and wire re bilte 1 I to large gatlon gation |